Part 29: Taken Away

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You are sitting on the couch, folding both of your arm just watching Peter coloring his coloring book. You are still upset that Tony went to the mission instead of staying for the intimate and romantic night. He left a few hours ago but you're still upset and cranky.

-Are you really that upset? 

Kate breaks the silence as she sits beside you. She offers you a glass of wine.

K: You used to not have S-

Kate stops the word as she remember that Peter is in the room.

K: Coloring book for the past six years. Are you really upset and cranky right now just because Tony will give it to you in three days?

You processed Kate's word first before react to it and you realize what she means as she glances her eyes to Peter.

Y/n: I want this one coloring book so bad and It's always give me satisfaction when he gave me a coloring book. So I can't wait for him to give me one again!

P: When does Mr. Stark give you coloring book? Can you share one with me? Mine will be out in a few pages.

You and Kate just look at each other and holding your laugh.

Y/n: I'm sorry baby. It's too special that I need to keep it by myself. I'll buy you one soon.

P: Cool!

Peter continues his coloring and you just sipping your wine while watching him again.

K: Anyway, your package is arrived.

Y/n: What package?

Then you remember that Kate ordered you a new set of lingerie before.

Y/n: Nah, I don't need it now. I'll just open it in the next three days.

K: Aren't you curious? You can try it on before showing it to Tony.

Y/n: I'm really not in the mood.

You sip your wine again when you hear the elevator door opens. You look at the elevator and find Happy steps off.

Y/n: Hey Happy.

H: Hey (Y/n). I'm sorry if I disturb your rest, but Tony ask you for a favor.

Y/n: Hmm... that's weird. He usually ask me a favor through message. What is it?

H: I think he is on the rush that he told me not long after he left. He wants you to attend a charity Gala on behalf of him.

Happy walks toward you and gives you the address. It's not far from the Avengers Tower.

Y/n: Doesn't Tony want me to stay low? I mean... there will be press and people in the party. They will ask me a lot of question, right? And Tony said about safety.

H: Don't worry (Y/n), you are with me. I'm the head of Security of Stark Industries. You will be safe and what is the harm in attending a charity gala? Too much charity?

K: I'm agree with Happy. Tony won't ask you for a favor and get out of the building if it's not safe for you.

Y/n: That's true but I don't feel like going. I'm still upset with him.

K: Oh come on! Don't be such a baby. Let's pick your dress. Could you please watch Peter for a while?

H: Of course.

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