Part 5: Group Project

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Tony drives you to your house. Along the way to your house, you can feel the awkwardness is in the air. You and Tony tried several conversations to erase the awkwardness but it is failed. You just stare at the street through your window and there are some relief feelings when you arrived at your house. 

Y/n: Well, thank you for the dinner and the sharing.

T: No problem. My pleasure.

Y/n: See you, Tony.

You are ready to open the door and escape the awkwardness when Tony calls your name and you look at him.

T: Y/n.

Y/n: yes?

T: hm I.. yeah... I have a good night today, I hope you have a good night too.

Y/n: well, yeah yeah I have a good night too.

T: I hope we can... perhaps... have a good night like tonight again?

Y/n: oh well, yeah. That will be good.

T: See you next saturday?

Tony asks you shyly and you just don't get ready for another date. You need time to find out how your feelings are, especially since a peck that Tony gave and his statement.

Y/n: Oh.. I don't think this saturday is possible. I have a work, sorry. I will call you when I'm possible to... have another parenting sharing.

You just make an excuse to avoid going on a date to Tony Stark this saturday.

T: Okay, then. I'll be waiting for your call.

Y/n: yeah, okay.

You want to open the car door when you received a call on your phone. The number is unknown but it makes you stay in the car again, to pick up the phone. It might be your client.

Y/n: Yeah, Hello?

T: How can you call me when you don't have my number?

You look at Tony, smile, and turn the phone off. It is probably J.A.R.V.I.S that gives Tony your phone number.

Y/n: I'm going to take J.A.R.V.I.S to the police. He violated my privacy.

T: Please don't, J.A.R.V.I.S helps me a lot.

You smile happily to Tony and let a small laugh out of your mouth. Tony is just looking at you, smiling too.

Y/n: I will save your number.

T: You sure must.

Y/n: alright, done. I will call you... when I'm possible for the next parenting sharing.

T: Okay, and by the way... I accepted the challenge.

You look at Tony, confused.

Y/n: what challenge?

T: You will know when I win.

Y/n: don't you will always win?

T: You are right. See? I think we already know each other.

You just smile and laugh a little. Your head nod agrees with what Tony said.

Y/n: Okay, tell me when you win. So... see you, Tony.

T: See you.

You smile at Tony and then open the car door. You walk to your house and you can know that Tony is still in the car waiting for you to enter your house. Before you open your door and enter the house, you gave Tony one last wave and he just wave at you on his car. Then you enter your house and you can hear Tony's car is moving.

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