Part 14: Trouble

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You can feel your chest is tight after Alex said that. You can't believe the worst scenario has happened. What Diane said is true. He wants Peter, He wants to take Peter from you.

A: If I can't meet him, I will take him. 

Y/n: You can't do that Alex... you can't do that to me!

A: Why can't I?! You take him from me! you keep him these past 6 years by yourself and I think this is time for me to have him now.

You can't hold your tears anymore. Your tears are falling down thinking about Peter is taken from you. You feel sick and want to throw up. You can't imagine that. You look at Alex for a while and then think about Alex and Peter. You knew Alex is right that you are wrong, and maybe meeting him with Peter is the best thing to do, but you can't just do that. It is like giving Peter a hope that will disappoint him later. You sweep away your tears and take a breath when Diane is showing up from the back. She runs to Alex as she is in hurry, and you can see she is out of breath. She must be run looking for Alex.

D: Alex!

He is not looking at Diane, he is still looking at you.

A: I'm not finished talking to (y/n), Diane. Let's talk later at home.

D: Stop the talking and come home with me! It is Max! He got a nosebleed, a lot and he is... he is... unconscious.

He looks at Diane now, and you can see tears and panic on her eyes.

A: What do you mean he got nosebleed and unconscious?

D: The babysitter... she called... and... Max is unconscious, Alex! He needs us, now!

Diane is broke into tears and Alex is walking to her now. He hugs Diane and tells her everything is going to be okay. Alex looks at you while he is hugging Diane.

A: We will continue our talking tomorrow.

Alex is taking his left with Diane as he is hugging her and you just can stand there, and also feel your tears fall again.

You look for Tony at the party. You look for him, wanted to go home as you are feeling sick. You keep thinking about Alex want to take Peter. Alex hasn't know your answer yet, he probably still thinking that you won't let him meet Peter. He must already think a way to take Peter from you. You want to throw up, you feel dizzy and you can feel losing your strength on your leg. You start to lose your sight and want to fall down when an arm is catching your body.

- I got you, babe.

You try to focus your sight and you can see Tony is holding you from the back. He looked Panic and worried. You try to stand and collect your strength again. Tony is helping you.

T: Are you good?

Y/n: I'm not... I feel sick. Can we go home, now?

T: Alright, right away.

Tony is supporting you from the back, helping you to walk. He leads you to the exit. He called the serviceman to bring his car. It doesn't take a long time for Tony's car to arrive. He leads you into the car. As you are in the car and the road, your mind is still thinking about what Alex said. You don't even talk to Tony and he doesn't even ask you anything. You are thinking that you might lose Peter tomorrow. You feel sick and you want to throw up. You and Tony have finally arrived at Tony's house when you can't hold the sickness feeling on your stomach, keep thinking of losing Peter is making it worse. 

You run to the bathroom, Ignoring the babysitter that is welcomed you. You can hear Tony is calling your name and running towards you. You throw up on the toilet and Tony is behind you, holding your back and patting it. He asked the babysitter to bring a glass of warm water for you.

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