Part 26: The Avengers Tower

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After several days in the hospital, finally today you are discharged. Tony told you that the kids are in the Avengers Tower with Kate. You can't be patient to meet the children and hug them. You promise that you will try to keep them safe harder.

There are a lot of reporters in front of the Hospital when you left with Tony. You don't have any idea how they could know that you are in hospital and discharged today. Tony tried his best to keep you safe from them and let you enter the car first. Before Tony joined you in the car, he makes some statements to the reporter, just a few words maybe and then he enters the car and asks Happy to drive. Tony doesn't tell you what he said and you don't think too much about it. You are still hurt and sad about losing your baby.

Tony and you are on Tony's private jet now on your way to the Avengers Tower. He wants you to be in the Avengers Tower as soon as possible to keep you safe. You want to meet your children as soon as possible too and hold them in your arms. You are looking through the window when Tony offered you a drink.

T: Wanna drink something?

Y/n: No, I'm good.

Tony then sits beside you and sips his drink while he is holding your hand. You hold his hand back and look at the windows again when Tony says something.

T: Matthew just called me.

You look at Tony now. You look at Tony nervously because this must have something to do with Peter. Alex must want to fight for Peter's custody now. He submits the case.

Y/n: Did Alex submit the case to the court?

T: No. It's on the contrary. He canceled the case.

He stops for a second, to see your reaction. He knew you doubt him and then he continued again.

T: Dean Gibson called Matthew and said that Alex canceled the case.

Tony add his statement to convince you and make you confused now. Why Alex drops the case when he clearly said that he needs Peter? He may onto something again.

Y/n: What does he want in return now? Is it still Peter to help his son?! I'm not gonna risk Peter's life. Not a chance.

T: I know. I will not let that happen too.

Tony tries to calm you down because he doesn't want you to be stressed. You still need to recover for what just happened.

T: I don't know what he wants in return. Matthew doesn't get any information about that.

Y/n: We need to find it out. I need to talk to Alex.

You are ready to dial Alex's phone number when Tony stops you.

T: I won't let that happened. You are not calling Alex.

Y/n: Why not? I need to hear his reason! I don't want him to trick me again.

T: Let Matthew find it out. I don't want you to contact him ever again. So does Peter.

Y/n: I want to hear his reason directly from him. I will find it out by myself.

You want to dial Alex's phone number again when Tony snatches your phone away. Your attention is on Tony now.

T: Tell me first. What happened after you called him? Will it just over now?

He looks at you, waiting for your answer. Instead of answering him, you just look at his eyes.

T: Is not, isn't? He will come to us again or you come to him for the explanation.

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