Part 8: Aquarium

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You are in your room when Kate is knocking at your door.

K: May I come in?

Y/n: Sure. What is it?

Kate now is sitting on one of your chairs in the room.

K: So... Alex.

You know what Kate want to know. She wants to know what happened. You smile at her.

Y/n: I should know about that.

K: If you don't want to tell me now, its okay. 

Y/n: Well... actually I need someone to talk to. Tony offered to hear but I was not sure to talk to Tony about Alex yet.

K: If you really need someone to talk to, I'm right here. Peter is taking a nap, so don't worry, you can tell me anything.

Kate is holding your hand giving you support. You look at Kate and smiling.

Y/n: Before that, how can you text Tony? Where do you get his number?

K: I save it from your phone in case... something happens.

Y/n: I'm glad you did that.

You stop and then you continue the talk about Alex.

Y/n: So, Alex. He is... He is actually just want to talk but I just got upset. He told me that he is married to her. Its hurt but I'm still okay and think that all is in the past, but I'm very emotional the moment he said he has a son. I imagine that it should Peter that is on his side, but its his new son instead. I was feeling sad when I remember that, I cant give Peter Father's love and now is all to late.

You stop and then continue.

Y/n: And yeah... I know that is my mistake.

K: No, it's actually mine. I'm the one that told you not to tell him 6 years ago when you found out that he is cheated on you.

Y/n: You just give your opinion Kate, I'm the one that decided it. None of that is your fault.

You smile at Kate to make her not feeling guilty. You don't want to make her feel guilty.

Y/n: I decided not to tell him when I'm pregnant. I just left him with you. And... of course there is a day that I want to tell Alex about Peter but now after 6 years, I just learned that he can't know that he has a son from me. It will destroy his marriage. What will his wife say? This make me even more feeling guilty.

K: If I'm not the one to give you that opinion, this will not happen. Peter will know how it feels to have a father.

Kate look at you and you just smile at her.

K: Look, I'm not on his side. I'm fully on your side, but you should probably tell Peter and him. This will at least make me and you less feeling guilty. What happen after you tell him, its his responsibility not yours. Not all of this is your fault also.

Y/n: but...

K: If you are thinking that let him know about Peter will make him feels on the upside, just do it for Peter. Do it so he knows his father. Do it, so Peter will know what it is to have a father.

You look at Kate and processed Kate words. Kate is right but you need time to tell Alex about Peter. You are also afraid if you tell him, Alex will take Peter from you and you can't imagine that.

Y/n: I will think about it. I will tell him later.

K: I wish you tell him, soon but... you can take your time.

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