Part 30: Family

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You can feel sting on your neck as soon as you gain consciousness. You squeeze your eyes and grin your teeth to reduce the pain when you realize that your hand and foot are tied on the chair you're sitting on. You're also smell something weird in this place. You tried to release your hand and foot while thinking that Tony must worried about you, when a man figure that you're familiar with shows up in front of you.

A: It's not use, (y/n).

You look at him directly, in despise and disgust. You can feel the pain in your neck is burning as you lift your chin up to see his eyes.

Y/n: You.

You emphasize your word to him and you know you radiate so much hate to him right now. 

Y/n: Let. Me. Go.

A: I will. If you promise you won't try to run.

He touches your chin while you're trying to avoid his touch. Alex looks down on you and then kneel on one knee in front of you just like when he proposed you. He looks so calm even after what he did to you. He looks at your eyes and touches the bruise on your neck. You can feel the stings on your neck as his finger strokes the bruise and you grin your teeth to hold the pain.

Y/n: Get your hand away from me!

You say it with a lot of grudge and hatred to him. He pulls his hand and make a soft fist while he looks down the floor. You can't believe that Alex did this. As long as you knew Alex, Alex is a kind, nice and considerate man. You're questioning what happened to him but you're also hate him so much right now.

Y/n: Why the hell did you do this?! You know very well what punishment you'll get for what you're doing!

A: I did. That's why I don't want to waste it.

He looks at you again and you can see his eyes watery. There is a disappointment, sadness and importantly, regret in his eyes.

A: (Y/n)...what if we are still together? What if that night, you tell me that you were pregnant before I told you I fall fir someone else? We must be still living in this small yet comfortable apartment that we can call home, right?

Now his eyes are going around the room and he stands up. As he stands, you're following his eyes, looking around the room and realize that this place is your and Alex's old apartment before you left him. You don't realize it at first because the apartment is very different than when you left it six years ago. Everything looks faded. The smell is probably coming from the old wall.

A: This place will full of laughter, colors, shouting and our routine as family. Me, you, and Peter. Isn't it (Y/n)?

Alex's eyes comes back to you and he smile weakly.


Suddenly Alex is pushing your chair and you're between his arm. He looks mad and hate you so much. You grunt and whimper as you can feel the pain on your neck and have his face in front of you. You can see a tear coming down his cheek before he looks down and you feel his tears hit your thighs.

A: And I won't lose Max. I wouldn't know him. He won't born and he will have a parent that can make him safe... and live.

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