Part 27: Gone

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You feel sting on your cheek. You look at Pepper and you can tell that she is mad. Tony goes behind her and turns her into him. He grips Pepper's arms.


Tony then looks at Natasha and you. He looks really worried.

T: Nat, please bring (y/n) to my room.

Natasha looks at your cheek while she tries to comfort and bring you to Tony's room but you stand still and pay attention to Tony and Pepper.

PP: She is the one that out of her mind! How could she told the world about Kevin?! How could she risk Kevin's safety and you don't even do anything about it?!

T: Do you think I don't do anything?! I told you everything before! I deleted some information about him, I bring him here. And we both know he will be safe here. What other things you are worried about?

PP: You know how scary the press is, that doesn't stop them to look for Kevin! They will still look for it!

Tony runs his face with his hand desperately and he notices that you are still there. When you look at his eyes, you feel that Tony agrees with what Pepper said. Right now, he must be feeling upset with you again about Kevin.

T: Nat, Please. Bring her to my room. Please.

The last 'please' is not for Nat, it is for you because he looks deeply into your eyes. He wants you gone. He looks at Pepper again, continuing their talk while Natasha helps you go Tony's room.

You lay down on Tony's bed as soon as you come into his room, backing the bedroom door. You can feel Natasha sits on the edge of the bed. She didn't say anything and she just leaves you alone. She must feel that you really want to be alone now.

There are so many things happens within this short time and most of them are hurting Tony. You lost his baby, you endanger his son's safety and you make his relationship with Pepper worst. You are thinking Tony now. He looks okay in front of you, but his expression when he asked you to leave, you know he is actually not okay. He is sad, upset and worried. Is he mad now? Does he hate me now? He will leave me for sure, isn't he? You sob a little and try to calm yourself but the thought really makes you anxious.

You try to calm and keep it quiet when you hear the door open and Tony's voice calling you.

T: (Y/n), are you asleep?

You don't answer him because you are afraid he will more upset with you tonight. You don't know how his quarreling with Pepper ends, it may be terrible and might be worst if you talk to him again today. You stay still and let him thought that you are asleep. You can hear Tony's footsteps getting closer and he lays down on the bed with you. You feel his warmth on your back as he puts his arm around your waist, hugging you and bury his head on your neck. It feels really comfortable and makes you calm to be around his arm. You can also feel his breath against your neck, makes you have a good sleep for the first time after everything that happened.


The next morning you couldn't feel Tony's arm around your waist and you turn your back to find out that he is not on the bed. You wake up and looking for Tony. You go to the main room and find Kevin hugging Tony's waist, sobbing and crying look at Tony in front of Pepper.

Ke: I don't wanna go!

Kevin rubs his eyes and weeps his tears, his eyes still looking at Tony. Tony holds both of Kevin's shoulder and just look at Pepper, seems like he is looking for a reaction.

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