Part 17: Breakfast

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You are quiet for a while and look at Matthew.

Y/n: No. We will do this quietly without Peter's knowledge.

MG: Mrs. (l/n), this will be a very difficult case even for me. Mr. White got every reason and rights for it. The only defends we got right now, is because Mr. White is cheating but it doesn't give the right reason for you to separate him and Peter. Peter's testimony on the court might gain your winning chance.

Y/n: It will be harder for Peter.
There must be another way than Peter give testimony on the court.

MG: Actually... there may be a way and a positive side of Peter meets his father.

You and Tony wait for his to continue his talk.

MG: Mr. White might drop this case.

Y/n: You knew what Dean Gibson said! He said Alex won't drop the case even though I let him meet Peter! That is not a way out or a positive side!

You are quite angry at Matthew because what he said is pointless. Alex won't drop it even he meets Peter. The plan to make Peter meet Alex is useless.

MG: I know... I know that. Mr. White said he will not put this case down even he meets Peter, but that might change his mind when he knows Peter better and spend the time with him. He can also see how Peter is very good in your custody. Then we are not gonna to the court.

You processed Matthew's word for a while and then look at Tony. Tony tried to calm you down and he did it. Then he gives his opinion.

T: I agree with him, babe. We need... at least... to try. Peter needs to meet Alex and what I know... Peter wants to meet him too.

MG: If we can solve this without going to the court, that would be better for Peter and your condition also, isn't it Mrs.(l/n)?

You look at your belly and stroke it. You remembered what the doctor said and Matthew might be right. If the case goes to the court this will take a long time and make you think about it much. That will lead to the stress and affected the baby.

Y/n: Okay... I will let Peter meets Alex.

MG: I'm happy to hear it.

Tony holds your hand as he is giving you support.

Y/n: When are we going to let Peter met Alex?

MG: As soon as Possible Mrs.(l/n), because I believe Mr. Gibson will start processing the case.

T: But she just out of hospital and she still needs rest for now.

Y/n: I'm fine Tony.

T: No, you are not.

Y/n: I'm fine, believe me.

You know you are not. You can feel the sickness is gradually coming back to you but Peter to be on your side is more important than your health. You believe that your baby can also be strong as long as you are strong.

MG: Well, we can try 2 days from now. Lets just wish Mr. Gibson hasn't applied the case yet.

T: Well... I can do something to prevent that to happen.

Y/n: No, that is not gonna happen Tony. You will not break any law to stop him from applying the case.

T: I'm not breaking any law if I don't get caught.

Y/n: Just don't add other trouble to me, Please.

You rolled your eyes and sighed. Tony is just smiling and you hope that he is just teasing you.

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