ch. 1

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when i'm writing a scene i'll be using their fictional names. katherine isn't an actual character in the movie, but in this story she is.

*rose's p.o.v*

"best feeling ever," stanley said as they all tipped their school books in the bin.

"yeah? try tickling your pickle for the first time," richie added.

"hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" eddie slung his bag over his shoulder.

"start my training."

"what training?"

"street fighting."

"is that how you wanna spend your summer? inside of an arcade?"

"beats spending it in your mother." richie raised his hand for stanley to give him a high five, but stanley rejected by taking his hand down. "what if we go to the quarry?"

"guys we have the b-barrens," bill stuttered.


"betty ripsons mum," eddie pointed out as he looked over at her. the boys followed his gaze.

"does she really expect to see her come out of school?" stanley asked.

"i don't know. it's as if betty ripson's been hiding at home for the past few weeks."

"you think they'll actually find her?"

"sure. in a ditch, all decomposed, covered in worms and maggots smelling like eddie's mum's underwear," richie said.

"shut up. that's freaking disgusting," eddie said the last bit in a lower voice.

"sh-sh-she's not dead, she's m-m-m-missing," bill told them.

richie adjusted his glasses. "sorry bill. she's missing."

bill was the first to turn around and start walking, and then they followed him.

"you know the barrens aren't that bad. who doesn't wanna splash around in shitty water-" richie was pulled by his bag and shoved into stanley and they fell over.

patrick picked something up that bill dropped and threw it at the bus that drove by. "nice frisbee, flamer."

belch burped in richie's ear and pushed him.

they walked away, shoving bill in the process. "losers."

"you s-s-s-suck, bowers!" bill stood up for himself and his friends.

"shut up, bill," eddie whispered.

they slowly turned around.

"you say s-s-s-something, b-b-b-billy? you gotta free ride this year because of your little brother. ride's over, denbrough. you're lucky that ugly bitch isn't here to help you," henry said as he slowly walked up to the stuttering boy.

henry paused when he saw the cops, along with his dad who was also part of the police. "summer's gonna be torture, for you and your friends." he licked his hand and wiped it on bill's face before walking off.

"i wish he'd go missing," richie stated.

"he's probably the one doing it," eddie said.

"CUT!" the director shouted. "great job everyone. i'll see you all tomorrow."

i had just filmed another scene; the one where eddie, richie, bill, stanley and katherine are at the chemist to get medication.

everyone got changed into their normal clothes. wyatt walked up to me with a smile. "you did great, again."

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