ch. 8

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rose stared at the ceiling as she thought of what wyatt had said. her room was a lot more quiet than usual. she usually had music faintly playing in the background and she'd be humming to it, but not this time. she wasn't in the mood for anything. her phone vibrated but she didn't move a muscle. it vibrated another 3 times and she rolled her eyes, finally checking them.

olaf ⛄️: rose
olaf ⛄️: i have to delete these soon bc sadie can't find out that i sent these messages
olaf ⛄️: please hear me out on this
olaf ⛄️: i didn't mehtdthffghfcgcjg

rose arched an eyebrow, then scoffing.

rose 🌹: whatever asshole. don't text me again or i'll block u

she felt her eyes become watery but she blinked away the tears. there was a loud knock on the door.

"stop being a fucking hermit and get out you lazy fuck."

"chill," rose muttered, making sure her father couldn't hear. she stood up and opened the door to see him standing there.

"the lieberher family wants to organise dinner with us tonight. now get changed into something decent."

"fine," she sighed and closed the door. she grabbed her phone and texted jaeden.

rose ❤️: hey. do i dress casual or fancy?

she almost immediately got a text back from him.

jae: whatever you're comfortable with :)
rose ❤️: okay, thanks

she grabbed a red and black checkered long sleeved shirt and black jeans.

*a few weeks ago -rose's p.o.v*

"what about... this?" wyatt pulled out a dress with flowers and shit on it. i shook my head. "okay," he put it back inside and looked through some more things. "this is definitely more you," he grabbed a black and red checkered shirt and black skinny jeans.

"yep," i smiled at him and took the clothes. "thank you."

"amazing manners young lady," he said, mimicking his mum. i laughed and shook my head.

*present - third person*

rose sighed unhappily as the memories flooded back to her. she decided to ignore the past events and move on, so she got changed into the outfit she had picked out. she all of a sudden got nervous. well, jaeden was her crush, so how could she not be nervous?

"hurry up, emo. don't wanna be late."

rose left her room, "i'm ready. do we go now?"

"yep. now get in the car," her dad roughly shoved her towards the door. rose got into her father's truck and waited for him. once he started the car, he drove off, "y'know, you should walk. you need to lose a couple of kilos."

"dad, i get it. i'm overweight. you can stop reminding me."

"don't talk to me like that, you spoiled brat. i'm just educating you."

"that's what i go to school for."

"just stop talking."

the rest of the ride was silent, apart from the traffic noise and the sound of the engine. they soon arrived at a restaurant, specifically, joe's.

idk if that's an actual restaurant but just pretend it is😂

rose spotted jaeden who was waiting in line. his straight hair was slicked to the side and his checkered shirt was tucked into his jeans. she noticed they were wearing the same thing, causing her to chuckle.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒; 𝘐𝘛 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛Where stories live. Discover now