ch. 7

67 1 7

*third person - a week later*

wyatt got skinnier.

he scarred his wrists.

he pushed rose away.

he hurt rose.

*3 days ago*

wyatt raised his hand to excuse himself from class. the teacher gave him a pass to the bathroom and he walked to the toilets. this has been happening everyday now. it's rare to find people in the bathroom during class, so he uses that time to purge. before he got inside, a girl stood in front of him.

"i know what you're doing, wyatt."

"leave me alone, sadie."

"i want to help."

wyatt looked at her as if she had gone mad, "yeah, right."

"i'm serious."

"you wanted this, asshole."

"i-i didn't think you would actually do it. it was a joke, wy."

"don't call me that."

"whatever. just let me help you, please."

"you're just assuming things. what if i just wanna take a shit?"

sadie raised an eyebrow, "i've changed, alright? for the better. i just wanna help. so don't go in there."

"someone's gonna see us talking and we'll get in trouble. so let me through and go to class."

she rolled her eyes and grabbed wyatt's hand, pulling him away from the boy's toilets and behind the building. wyatt felt butterflies swarm his stomach but he tried to ignore them.

"better?" she asked him.

"look, whatever you're trying to do, it's not gonna work."

"what are you talking about?"

"don't give me that crap. you're gonna pretend to help me, then you're gonna do some shit to make my life miserable again. i'm not falling for it. i'm happy, okay? why can't you just leave me alone?"

"why can't you understand that i want to help? jesus fucking christ."

"because you're sadie sink. the high school bitch."

"can you stop being stubborn for like, one second?"

"can you stop trying to make everyone like you, for like, one second?"

"what's your number?"


"what's your number, asswipe?"

"i blocked you, ranga."

"then unblock me, olaf."

"fuck you, sink."

"oh my god. just give me your damn phone."


"what are you, 5?"

"why do you want me to unblock you?"

"so i can text you, duh."

"what are you gonna text me, huh? more insults?"

"why can't you get it through your thick head? i've changed."

"fine. if i unblock you, do you promise to stop being a bitch?"

"i promise, alright?"

"fine," wyatt pulled out his phone and unblocked sadie. "happy?"

"i'm over the fucking moon."

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒; 𝘐𝘛 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛Where stories live. Discover now