ch. 11

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fuzzy voices bounced off the walls of the corridor. everything was a blur. a man in a coat repeated the same words. "it's going to be okay. you're going to be okay."

other voices shouted over each other, desperately trying to get the girl to the emergency room. rose didn't know where she was. she couldn't speak. she couldn't move. she couldn't breathe. that was until she thought of wyatt.

"wyatt... where's..." she trailed off, as the man hushed her. "no... i need to see..."

and everything went black.

— time skip —

beep. beep. beep. beep.

rose's eyes slowly opened. she looked around tiredly, noticing she wasn't anywhere familiar. but, she did know, that she was in a hospital. it was obvious; a small television stuck to the roof, curtains blocking her vision to see outside of the small space, white drawers, 2 baby blue chairs, an annoying beeping machine, and a hospital bed she was in. however, she wasn't alone. there was a boy. he was passed out on one of the seats. her curiosity extended.

she wanted to get his attention. but how? he was asleep, and she wasn't sure what time it was. if it was late, she couldn't make any noise, because of other patients.

so, she waited.

— time skip —

rose eventually fell asleep, and the boy woke up. he stretched, and texted wyatt.

?: she doesn't even know me dude

wyatt: she hates me. it's better if u check up on her

?: i look like a creep

wyatt: it doesn't matter. she knows who u are, u just gotta tell her
read 13:09

the boy sighed. a doctor walked inside and greeted him with a smile. she checked everything and turned to the boy. "are you a boyfriend? or a relative?"

"no, just a friend." he smiled awkwardly.

"oh, okay. i apologise for assuming."

"it's fine."

"i'm doctor dyer. if you go here often, you'll see me a lot. just to inform you." she smiled sweetly and left.

rose woke up, and noticed that the boy was already awake. "who are you?"

"um, i'm caleb. caleb mclaughlin. a, uh, a friend of wyatt's."

"oh." rose looked down. "how is he?"

"good. he wanted me to check up on you."

"why didn't he do it himself?" she furrowed her eyebrows. even if they weren't on good terms, he helped her. and she wanted to thank him.

"he thought you hated him."

"i..." she sighed and looked at her hands. "okay. thank you for checking up on me, whether wyatt asked you to or not."

"it's nothing, really." he shrugged.

"tell him i mi—actually, nevermind." she chuckled nervously. "have a nice day, caleb."

"you too." he left.

rose was as confused as ever. wyatt acts like a complete and utter dick for, what, a week? then he protects rose against her dad, gets her to the hospital, and sends his friend to see how she is.

she grabbed the hospital phone that was placed next to her on the desk. she still knew wyatt's number off by heart. they had, in fact, been friends for approximately 6 years.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒; 𝘐𝘛 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛Where stories live. Discover now