ch. 13

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rose ended up falling asleep on wyatt due to the lack of sleep the last few weeks caused by overthinking. wyatt cherished the moments she fell asleep, feeling like it'd been forever since she'd felt secure and loved. the relief felt like sacks of concrete finally being lifted off his crushing shoulders. although he knew that rose may not entirely forgive him, he appreciated the fact that she wasn't completely mad at him anymore.

wyatt softly smiled to himself, caressing her upper arm as she slept soundlessly on his shoulder. he rested his chin on the top of her head, closing his eyes. everything was quiet. wyatt waited patiently for andy to return, struggling to doze off.

— an hour later —

"this is so bullshit. i mean, can't they just kick down the door? why do i have to waste my valuable time to let them out? they could—"

"finn, shut the fuck up for a second." jaeden interrupted the brunette, releasing an irritated sigh. finn folded his arms, scoffing. jaeden rolled his eyes and continued walking to the cleaning closet.

once they arrived, jaeden took out the keys from his pockets and tried to remember which key it was out of the seven. after a minute of struggling to recall, he gave up and picked a random key, using it to unlock the door. it didn't unlock, so he used another one, which also didn't do the job. finn snatched the keys and shoved a key in the door knob, twisting it and opening the door. jaeden stared at him, confused. "how did you know which key it was?"

"andy showed me in case you'd fuck up."

jaeden ignored finn and entered the small room, encountering rose and jaeden cuddled up together. he paused for a moment, then crouched next to them and started shaking rose. she woke up almost immediately and took in her surroundings, remembering what had happened. she sat up and helped jaeden awake wyatt. finn simply stood in the doorway, waiting impatiently as he tapped his foot repeatedly against the floor. "can you hurry up? i need to take a piss."

jaeden turned his head to face finn, clearly annoyed. "seriously? whatever, i don't need your help anymore, just go."

finn didn't say anything. instead, he stormed out.

"what's wrong with finn?" rose asked jaeden when she woke wyatt up. ignoring roses question, he asked, "are you guys on good terms now?"

rose smiled softly and nodded. they stood up and returned to where they were supposed to be.

— that night —

"my mum noticed that you haven't been going home with us lately, so just prepare for her to go all protective mode on you. she doesn't know about what happened between us and sadie." wyatt shoved his sweaty hands in his pockets, tugging at his sleeves as they walked to the parking lot.

rose chuckled, observing the cars to see which one she recognised. "well, are you gonna tell her?"

"it's in the past now, and i don't wanna bring it up, so probably not. it might end up slipping out but if it does then there's nothing i can do about it." wyatt shrugged, finally spotting his mother's 4 year old jeep that she loved more than anything in the world. the countless scratches on the car that she would refuse to fix because it gave the appearance of looking 'fierce' made it seem older than what it already was. they had enough money and wyatt constantly insisted, but his mother denied it needed the treatment anyway.

they approached the car, opening the doors on opposite sides and hopping inside, earning a pleased look from wyatt's mother. "rose, you've decided to join us today."

rose closed the door and grabbed her seatbelt, pulling it over herself and locking it. "yeah, is that okay?"

"of course, you're always allowed, just like before." jennifer reversed out of her park and started driving. "so, how have you been getting home lately?"

rose bit her lip, glancing at wyatt as she knew that if she said the truth then jennifer would get suspicious. "i, uh... i caught the bus."

"why's that, sweetie?"

"just... meet more people, y'know?" rose breathed out.

jennifer nodded to say she understood. "oh, well, that's always nice. you need to teach wyatt some social skills." she joked, causing wyatt to roll his eyes and then chuckle.

rose agreed purposely to tease wyatt. wyatt elbowed her with a glare and she struggled to hold back a smile.

the three talked the rest of the drive to rose's house. before rose climbed out, wyatt grabbed her wrist, gaining her attention. she gave him a questioning look, so he said, "come over later?"

she nodded, biting her tongue to contain her grin. she hopped out, and jennifer drove up to their own driveway next door. roses breath hitched when sudden realisation hit her.

"rose! i'm going out tonight so here are the spare keys if you need to leave the house." her aunt caroline walked out the door, approaching rose. she grabbed rose's hand tightly, but not enough to hurt, and placed the keys in her hand. "love you, see you tomorrow."

since rose's father had gone to jail, her aunt was now looking after her. rose never really liked her aunt, but she was definitely better than her father, so she was still extremely grateful.

rose entered the house, that now felt empty. she was so used to facing her father as soon as she stepped foot inside. trying to shake off the feeling, she jogged upstairs and got changed into a the living end band t-shirt and leggings. wyatt already knew about roses cuts, and since she was only going over to his house, she didn't bother covering them.

she opened her window, and hopped off the sill. she walked over to wyatt's window and knocked. he poked his head in her view, with sweatpants on and a black shirt in his arms. he quickly pulled the shirt over his head and opened the window. "hey."

"hey." rose climbed inside, closing the window behind her. wyatt sat down on his bed, hands on his knees. "so, i heard caroline's looking after you now."

she sat next to him, nodding. "yeah, she's alright."

"she's not embarrassing you anymore?" wyatt chuckled. "'i caught rose watching porn a few years ago, she's a freaky one'." wyatt recalled, making rose shove him playfully. "don't be an ass."

"you know what?" wyatt lied down on his side, facing rose as she copied his actions. "what?"

"she reminds me of james' dad from the end of the fucking world."

"so does that make me similar to james?"

"no! you're definitely more like alyssa." wyatt pointed at her, and she shrugged. "i'm honestly not offended. i love her."

"i like her accent."

"pretty much everyone in the entire show has the same accent."

"yeah, but i like hers."

"okay." rose giggled, just accepting it.

rose stayed the night at wyatt's, sharing the same bed like they used to. wyatt was itching to tell rose how he felt towards her, but the same reason not to held him back. she likes jaeden. he sighed and caressed roses shoulder, feeling the soft skin against his fingertips.

he loves her, but sometimes you don't always get who you want, and it hurts.

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