ch. 14

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whassup i am extremely late on publishing and i'm so so sorry! i discontinued this book for a while and i just recently decided to continue it.

i hope there are some of you who didn't give up on me, which i completely understand if you did because i would've too honestly 😂💓

anyway i love you, i hope (you've/you'll) (had/have) a great day! 🥰

— monday morning —

"wyatt, move the fuck over, you're gonna gave me pins and needles." rose groaned, face in her pillow. wyatt finally untangled his legs from hers and rolled to the other side. "we need to get up."

"i know, just give me a minute." rose mumbled, about to fall asleep.

"rose." wyatt threw his body across hers, his head and arms dangling off the bed. she yelped and tried to sit up, but wyatt's weight kept her down. "you asshole, get off."

wyatt chuckled and pulled himself off of the girl. after another 5 minutes, rose finally detached herself from the bed. she grabbed her school uniform that she'd brought the previous night and slipped it on, wyatt doing the same with his.

once they were finished getting ready, they started walking to school. the chilly, july breeze pinched at their exposed skin, sending goosebumps down their bodies.

[idfk what month it is in this book anymore um-]

"noah, um... he called me the other day. said he didn't have your number." wyatt started, his eyes glued to the gloomy sky. "and, i acted like a dick."

"how so?"

wyatt let out a humourless, dry chuckle. "i basically told him he'll never have a chance with you as he's a piece of shit and you're already heal over heels for someone else."

rose didn't respond for at least a minute. she finally inhaled deeply. "and what was his response?"

"'well aren't you nice'."

"i'm not surprised. noah is very unproblematic." rose smiled softly. "did you reply?"

"nope. i decided to just leave it."

"you took him the wrong way, you know?" rose looked up at the boy, who returned the lingering stare. "he likes another girl."

"oh." wyatt mumbled, crimson running through his cheeks.

rose shrugged. "don't worry. noah doesn't take anything personally; he wouldn't be bothered by it."

wyatt nodded and sighed. "i wanna apologise but i'm too embarrassed by what i said. i was such an idiot. i don't know why i would say that."

"it's okay, we all say things we don't mean."

"i guess."

second break
noah's p.o.v

oh my god. oh my god. oh my god.

i'm gonna cry.

okay, no i won't.

oh my god, i will.

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