ch. 6

80 1 15

*wyatt's p.o.v - 1 hour ago*

my alarm rang, telling me to wake up. i turned it off and sat up slowly. i was utterly exhausted. i probably got less than an hour of sleep. fuck sadie. i shook my head and stood up, almost falling back down in the process. i made my way downstairs and poured myself a glass of milk. mum was watching some reality show on the television, with a cup of coffee in her hand. she noticed i was in the kitchen and when she saw me, worry was written all over her face. she immediately stood up and rushed over to me, "my goodness wyatt! what happened?"

"what?" i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"you look terrible! it looks like you haven't slept in days. how much sleep have you been getting? is everything okay?"

"i'm fine, mum. just didn't sleep well last night, i guess," i shrugged, hoping she'd buy it.

"is it that bitch again?"

i raised my eyebrows when those words escaped her mouth. she rarely swears, so i was pretty shocked.

"sorry, um... sadie, was it?"

i looked at my feet, feeling a lump form in my throat. i just wanted to forget about that red headed girl. she makes me feel bad about myself, constantly, and i hate it. she calls me pale, underweight, gross, and the one that makes me really pissed, anorexic. like, what the fuck? she shouldn't call people anorexic. there are people who have anorexia and to joke about it is sickening.

but i like her. i freaking like her. and why, you may ask? i have no fucking idea. she's so arrogant, and cruel, i don't understand myself.


i looked up at my mother, my eyes becoming watery. she pulled me into a hug and rubbed my shoulder blades, somehow soothing me. i took in shaky breaths as i tried to control them. i didn't want to be a disappointment. i didn't want to be weak. i didn't want to be what sadie always calls me. i didn't want to be me.

"would you like some ice cream?"

i slightly chuckled and sniffled, nodding. we pulled away from each other and she grabbed a tub of ice cream out of the fridge. as she started scooping some into a bowl, i spoke, "mum?"


"i love you."

she looked at me and smiled, "i love you too."

after she was finished, she handed the bowl to me and switched the channel on the tv to adventure time.

"listen, i have to go to work, but i'll be back by 6:30 this evening. i'll see you later," she kissed my cheek and left the house after i also said goodbye. i slowly ate my ice cream and nearly spat it out when i realised i actually had school today. i quickly texted my mum to ask her if i could stay off school (since i was too lazy to get to her physically before she drove off). she quickly replied with a simple 'yes'. i smiled and put my phone on silent, paying attention to finn and jake on the screen.

*an hour later*

i decided to check my phone to see if anyone had texted me. there was a text from rose.

rose 🌹: hey, where r u

i took my phone off silent mode and started typing but i received a few more texts, from a different number. i read them as they popped up on my screen and my heart ached. don't cry, wyatt. don't let her get to you. as the messages kept flowing, i threw my phone on the couch and brought my knees up to my face, taking deep breaths. stop being a baby. it's just a girl. i grabbed my phone once it stopped making the 'ding' sounds. there were seperate texts from the same unknown number.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒; 𝘐𝘛 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛Where stories live. Discover now