ch. 17

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"don't give me attitude, rose! i didn't have to adopt you, y'know? i could've dumped you in an orphanage! i recommend you start treating me with respect and be bloody appreciative, you understand me?"

"god, i'm sorry i have feelings!" the young girl retaliated, sarcasm laced in her voice as she stood on the bottom steps, her hand clinging onto the railing as her other clenched.

"have you ever stopped to wonder why your dad treated you the way he did?"

"how is this relevant right now?!"

"because you're an ungrateful piece of shit! you pushed him over the edge, rose! you should seriously start to consider how your actions effect other people!"

"my actions? go fuck yourself!" rose stormed upstairs to her bedroom with her aunt following.

"i'm not finished talking to you! where do you think you're going?!"

"away from you!" the young girl slammed the door, locking it to prevent her aunt from entering. she yelled in exasperation, frustration rushing through her like a freight train.

[hello it's been forever since i've updated and i basically discontinued this book but i'm gonna quickly finish it, but if there's any plot holes, please let me know! the ending is gonna be very rushed and shitty so i apologise for that, but i really just wanna end the book. hope that's okay.]

time skip; 3 months later

"noah, how could you?" rose yelled, startling the others who sat in their seats. the tv played; starring daniel radcliffe and his costar, emma watson. they were watching the fifth harry potter.

wyatt frowned slightly, concern gradually shown as he analysed the situation. noah stared at rose innocently. "what—what did i do?"

rose pouted as she revealed the empty bowl of popcorn, grease and salt scattered inside.

finn threw his hands up, sighing heavily. "oh, my god, rose. do you not see the handsome beast on the screen? yeah, his name's harry potter, and i am trying to perv on him but i simply can't because you are concerned about noah eating the rest of the popcorn."

"hey." jack said tiredly, pulling himself off of finn's chest slowly. "what about me?"

finn smirked down at jack, and everyone groaned, knowing his next move. "oh, he's nothing compared to you, baby."

wyatt gagged as everyone scrunched up their face, discomfort arising.

"that's disgusting." wyatt whispered quietly, and rose slapped his shoulder. "shut up, he's trying."

jack was a deep red, and snuggled back into finn's chest, hiding from everyone's stares. finn wrapped his arm around his waist and snaked it under his hoodie, rubbing his bare skin with his thumb.

millie, who'd been focusing on the movie, snapped back into reality. "hey, schnipper, mind getting me a glass of water?"

"and what do i get in return?" he glanced at her lips, hinting. she pecked them. "that."

he grinned and fetched her a glass.

everyone silently watched the movie, each cuddling with their significant other. noah returned and laid with millie, handing over her request. she smiled sweetly, quietly thanking him.

the couple had gotten together two months ago, in august. millie broke it off with jacob after he attempted to rape her but she managed to escape. she had visited noah, hyperventilating as tears overflowed her cheeks, even after constantly wiping them. he comforted her with sweets and comedic films, and after a month of millie recovering, they finally confessed their feelings. well, without issues (such as jacob) in the way.

finn and jack, the (sadly) only gay couple in the room, had already been together for months, but only came out the previous month, september. jack has become slightly shy as he adapts to a foreign relationship, as he usually dates girls. finn, on the other hand—he makes things slightly awkward. he flirts every chance he gets, and when he does, it's usually cringy, or a pick up line, such as, 'do you have a mirror in your pocket? because i can see myself in your pants.'

now, rose and wyatt. the 'best friends ever since fourth grade'. yeah, they're dating now. july, rose had told jaeden her true feelings, and was let down. apparently he had his eye on someone else, and he was deeply sorry. at first, rose was mad. not at jaeden—at herself. she thought she made their friendship awkward and tense, whereas in reality she hadn't. once she finally accepted the fact that she had no chance, she forced herself to move on, and by september, she was officially over him. wyatt, who was sad for her, was still quite cheerful to know she has no other guys she's interested in. then, all those years of hoping she'd return the same feelings, it was worth it, because she finally did. maybe she already had, subconsciously, but never wanted to admit it 'til now. or, perhaps, it really was just friendship, until it bloomed into something more. now, here they are, in each other's arms. rose rested her head on his shoulder, her arm wrapped around his waist. his arm was by her back, resting his hand on her hips. she peered up at him, taking in his features she adored so dearly. he connected his gaze with hers, and smiled softly. she gently pressed her lips against his, then pulled away, and quietly whispered, "i love you."

hello yes this is the end of the book don't hate me it was the worst ending in the history of all endings but hey it's an ending! i hate this book a lot so yeah if you do too trust me, i'm right with you 🤣

i'm currently writing a book called 'notes' that i haven't published yet so stay tuned if you have really low standards!

i love you all so much, thank you for reading this book to the very end. i don't know how you did it, but i'm proud.

take care! ❣️

[not editing]

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