ch. 12

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sorry about all the time-skips. also, i dunno what's said when making a movie so i'll just guess :]

edit: it has been so fucking long since i published a new chapter. i'm so sorry for the huge wait. i got distracted with my other book.

— a week later; third person —

"thanks for telling me, sophia. i'll make sure it doesn't deteriorate their acting."

sophia nodded. andy walked over to wyatt, who was drinking from his water bottle. "wyatt, can i speak with you?"

wyatt stopped drinking and looked at the director. "uh, yeah."

"sophia tells me you and rose are having issues. whatever is going in with the two of you, either fix it or don't allow it to effect your acting. i can't have personal problems making an impact on the movie."

"okay." wyatt nearly rolled his eyes.

andy paid attention to everyone else, who was getting ready. rose tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she tied her shoes, then stood up when she was finished. andy prepared everyone for the scene where bill would cut everyones hand.

as everyone said their lines, wyatt stared at rose. he was planning to tell her everything after they were done.

eventually, the scene ended and rose walked over to her seat. she grabbed her water bottle and took a sip. wyatt approached her, but she ignored him. she sat down and scrolled through instagram.

"rose, can we talk?" wyatt bit his lip nervously. she ignored him, again. "look, i know you hate me, but i need to explain."

"explain what? you've already done enough fucking explaining." rose snapped, standing up.

"rose, hear me out."

"no. fuck you and your stupid fucking lies. i'm so over—"

"woah, what's going on here?" jaeden frowned, interrupting rose. rose rolled her eyes. "it's nothing, just a stupid argument."

"is that all?" jaeden raised his eyebrows, clearly not buying it.

"yes, actually, it is. just don't worry ab—"

"you know what? if you're not gonna let me explain myself, i'll just fucking do it without your consent. sadie—" wyatt got cut off by rose. "don't use excuses just so you have someone to cry on. i'm sick of you, wyatt. i'm sick of your lies. i don't care about your side of the story. you're a dick. move on."

andy walked over to the three, causing rose to go quiet. "i thought we discussed this, wyatt?"

"andy, i'm trying to apologise and explain to her, but she won't let me."

"rose, why is this?"

"because he's a dick who doesn't deserve to be forgiven."

"but if you heard him out, maybe you'd understand." andy said. "how about you two come with me? jaeden, stay here and make sure nobody starts trouble."

jaeden nodded. andy took them to the cleaning closet. it was more of a room than a closet. he stood in the doorway when they were inside. "alright, now i'm gonna leave you guys here to figure things out. if your problem isn't solved when i come back, i'll do it again tomorrow." andy closed the door, not giving them the chance to respond.

wyatt went to speak, but rose spoke before he could. "here's what's gonna happen; we're gonna completely ignore each other until andy gets back, and when he does, we'll act like we figured everything out."

"seriously, rose? why can't we just talk?"

"about what? about your sorry excuses? about how you only helped me with my dad because sadie was paying you? so that you can get on my good side and hurt me again?" her voice broke. wyatt looked at her with confusion. "i-i don't understand. she never paid me or anything, i told her i didn't want to hurt you anymore. she didn't know about the night with you and your dad."

"lies, lies and more fucking lies. a night i was in hospital, she texted me. she told me that she was paying you to do all this shit to me and that you enjoyed it." rose said, just above a whisper with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"rose, you know i would never enjoy it. i couldn't even if i tried. i hated it so fucking much, you have no idea. everything i've said these last few weeks have been lies. every single word. i never hated you, i always wanted to be your friend, i thought you were fucking beautiful. and i still feel the same way. you're amazing and i never meant anything i said. sadie—she threatened me. she told me that if i didn't hurt you then she would tell everyone everything. that my father used to abuse me before he left, that i... just, stuff that i didn't want anyone to know. not even you. i was so scared that you would be upset with me and annoyed and angry, and i couldn't... i couldn't do it. i was afraid that everyone would label me as a freak or something. i was a coward. and i wasn't the one who sent you that message telling you to kill yourself. i swear. i wouldn't ever do that. it was sadie. the night i told her i was done hurting you, she got mad and texted you with my phone. i tried to stop her but she'd already sent it and you already read it. i'm so sorry. i don't expect you to forgive me because i was such an asshole and i really don't deserve forgiveness but i just needed you to know what really happened."

rose didn't speak; she didn't know what to say. "how..." she started, then took a deep breath. "how do i know if you're telling me the truth?"

"you don't. i could be lying. but do you really expect me to lie about something like this?"

"honestly, i don't know anymore." rose said truthfully. "i don't know whether to believe you or not."

"then don't."

rose gave him a questioning look, so he continued. "don't believe me. i won't force you."

"but i want to. i want everything to go back to how it used to be. when we were best friends, when i'd sneak in over through your bedroom window. i miss it. all of it. every fight, every laugh, every tear, every moment."

"rose, i don't think it'll ever be the same."

"we can try."

i'm back hoesss

i haven't updated since like november last year wow i'm so active right😫💀

anyway hope u guys enjoyed this chapter and i'll be wayyyy more active ahaha sorryy

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