ch. 4

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WARNING - slight mention of suicide and self harm towards the end.

*thursday - party*
*rose's p.o.v*

olaf ⛄️: im coming over to help w ur shiz
me: okie

there was a knock on the my window and wyatt was on the other side. i was about to open it when he put his finger up, indicating for me to stop. he pulled out his phone with a cheeky grin. he typed something and my phone made a 'ding' noise. he nodded for me to check it.

olaf ⛄️: 🎶 hello from the other side 🎶

i rolled my eyes and chuckled, then proceeded to open the window. he climbed inside.

we aren't allowed to interact with each other for a few weeks. our parents agreed on us having a 'break' so that we can focus on school more. apparently we tried ditching school because of our friendship or whatever. so, now we climb through each other's bedroom windows all the time instead of knocking on the front door.

"okay, now i'm gonna be your stylist," he spoke in a girlish way and flipped his hair.

"you need a haircut," i shook my head.

"shut up," he glared playfully and we chuckled. "moving on," he made his way to my closet and looked through my clothes. "what about... this?" he pulled out a dress with flowers and shit on it. i shook my head. "okay," he put it back inside and looked through some more things. "this is definitely more you," he grabbed a black and red checkered shirt and black skinny jeans.

"yep," i smiled at him and took the clothes. "thank you."

"amazing manners young lady," he said, mimicking his mum. i laughed and shook my head. he's such a goof.

"i'm gonna text jaeden about the party while you get changed," he smirked when he mentioned jaeden.

"you do that."

he pulled out his phone and happily typed away. i got undressed and threw my clothes on, then pulled my hair into a pony tail.

"i'm ready," i told him and he got up. "great. jaeden's coming. i told him you were going to be there and he immediately said yes to going."

"sure," i said sarcastically.

"i'm serious," he showed me the texts.

him: r u going to the party
jae: nah got homework
him: pleaseee
him: rose is gonna b there
jae: fine i'll go

"told ya," wyatt grinned.

"whatever," i blushed. "it doesn't mean anything."

"i predict that in 10 or 20 years from now, you and jaeden will have little kids of your own running around. he will propose, you will say yes, and happily ever after."

"what are you, a future teller now?"

"you could say that," he winked. "let's go to the party. i'm sure jaeden wants to smash," he put an emphasis on 'smash'. i rolled my eyes, "whatever, dork."

*party arrival*

i heard music blasting off from inside. damn, i feel sorry for the neighbors. wait, who's throwing this party?

"wy, who's party is this?"

"um, i don't know. want me to ask?"

"nah, it's okay."

we walked inside and the strong smell of alcohol and sweat entered my nose. i scrunched my nose up at the horrid scent.

"drink! drink! drink!" teenagers were chanting as 2 people were chugging down red cups of whatever the hell was inside. i tore my eyes away from the crowd and examined the room, looking for a particular someone.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒; 𝘐𝘛 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛Where stories live. Discover now