ch. 2

108 1 3

finn 🐸: omg did my ship finally happen
finn 🐸: #ryatt
finn 🐸: where r u guys??
finn 🐸: srsly tho y'all r l8
finn 🐸: stop smAshiNg
rosemarie 👀: we aren't smAshiNg finn we slept in
rosemarie 👀: wait
rosemarie 👀: fuck u it's 2am
finn 🐸: i dIdn'T meAn iT
finn 🐸: i cAn't teLl tiMe
finn 🐸: 4give me???
rosemarie 👀: lemme sleep 1st
finn 🐸: ugh boo u whore
finn 🐸: g'nite
rosemarie 👀: night loser

wyatt tiredly grumbled something rose couldn't understand. she shut off her phone and returned to her original position from when she woke up. wyatt wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to his chest, not realising as he had still been asleep. rose was comfortable in his arms and she slowly allowed the darkness to take over.



wyatt threw his pillow at whoever was shouting and continued to snuggle into rose. rose groaned and muttered a small, "shut up."

finn, the culprit, rolled his eyes. a small smile crept along his face, "oh well, i guess y'all can just stay home and bang while i go to set. see ya later." he left the room. wyatt and rose shot up and looked at each other. wyatt rolled his eyes, "i hate him sometimes."

she chuckled, "same. let's get ready."

*they get dressed, brush their teeth, have a shower, etc*

rose and wyatt walked downstairs. wyatt's parents were always working, so, as expected, they weren't home.

"hungry?" wyatt offered. rose shook her head and sat down on the couch.

"rose..." he walked over to her. "are you doing it again?"

"doing what?"

"you know what."

she sighed and looked down, "not really."

"so you are?"

"i'm eating. just... not much."

"how much is not much?"

she looked down and shrugged to avoid answering the question.

"look, i don't want to force you into anything because i know it takes time, but please eat something. i don't want you falling into your old habits."

"i-i'll try."

"thank you." he helped her up from the couch. "bacon and eggs or eggos?"

*a few hours later*

"hello? okay. i'll meet you there." eddie put the phone back in its place. he began walking to the front door but his mother stood in front of him. "just where do you think you're off to?"

"out with my friends."

"sweetie, you can't go. you're getting over your sickness, remember?"

"my sickness? okay, what-what sickness, mum?" he pulled out his medication. "you know what these are? they're gazebos!" he threw them on the floor. "they're bullshit!"

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒; 𝘐𝘛 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛Where stories live. Discover now