ch. 16

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— 1 year ago —

gaten 🤪

noah 🤟
omw to millie's 🤩

gaten 🤪
you guys are such a ship
like in a friendly way

noah smiled at the message, then switched off his phone and placed it in the cup holder of the car. his mum glanced over at the boy, who sat in the passenger seat with a goofy grin on his face.

"why you smiling?" the woman chuckled, a smirk dancing on her lips.

he shook his head, staring out the window. "nothing."

they arrived, and noah hopped out of the car. he waved goodbye to his mother as she drove away. he approached the familiar, wooden door and knocked. not even a minute later, it opened to reveal kelly brown, millie's mother. "hi, noah. she's in her room."

"thank you, kelly." he smiled, and walked down the hallway. he turned right, greeted by a door, that held up a small sign saying, 'knock or i'll rip your toe nails off. thank you :)'. he chuckled to himself, and as he raised his hand to knock, muffled voices came from inside.

trigger warning; abuse

"yeah, whatever, jacob. i'm so sick of you and your stupid lies and your pathetic apologies. i'm over it!"

"mills, you're overreacting! it was just a kiss, nothing more. it didn't mean anything, i swear."

"just a kiss? you call a blowjob just a kiss? how uneducated are you? am i not enough for you?"

"no, millie, it's not like that—"

"then what is it like, huh?"

"if you would just let me talk, maybe i could explain myself!"

"maybe i don't want to hear anymore excuses! i've forgiven you endlessly over the same goddamn things, and i can't do it anymore. i can't pretend that i don't know what you're really doing. i was persuading myself for so long that, 'no, he wouldn't do that. he loves me' but i give up! it's too much. you cheat, i find out, you lie, i believe you, and repeat. do you ever get tired of doing the same thing all the time? does it thrill you to watch me forgive you constantly like a gullible asshole? you know what—no, i'm not the asshole here. you are. you are just a worthless, miserable piece of shit who shoul—"

noah's p.o.v

she was cut off by a slap, i heard. my eyes widened and i yanked on the door handle. it was locked.

"what is wrong with you?" i heard jacob scream, and millie sounded as if she was struggling.

"what is wrong with me? have you seen yourself?" millie cried, with heavy, restrained breath.

another slap, and a thud. my heart skipped a beat. i continued to pull at the handle, then proceeded to knocking loudly.

when i got no reply, i yelled out, "if you don't open this fucking door right now i'm going to tear it down, i swear to god!"

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒; 𝘐𝘛 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛Where stories live. Discover now