ch. 9

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*wyatt's p.o.v*

i'm so fucking worried.

i can't believe i told her i was a fake friend.

i know that literally sounds like something from grade 2, but fuck (me daddy).

she could hurt herself.

her dad was already starting to fuck her up emotionally.

now i've joined the ride.

god, why can't i just suck it up and let sadie 'spill the beans'?

because i'm a fucking pussy, that's why.

i groaned out of annoyance and grabbed my phone and texted sadie.

me: my place now
sadie: y
me: u'll c
sadie: k

after around 10 minutes, there was a knock on my window. i hesitantly opened it and the red headed girl climbed inside. "what did you want?"

"i don't want to do it anymore."

"you know what will happe-"

"i know, sadie," i sighed. "but i cant hurt her again."

"oh, but you will," she glared and quickly grabbed my phone that was on my bed. "you can't back out now, oleff." she began typing as i tried snatching my phone away from her but she kept twisting and turning. i started to feel my blood boil, "give it back, sadie!"

"and... delivered."

"what the fuck did you just do?" i grabbed the phone and gripped it tightly as i read the message.

me: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, KILL YOURSELF!!!! you're an attention seeking whore. can't wait til i post those photos of you! <3

"you bitch!" i hollered and threw my phone on the bed. i was so fucking mad. i wanted to beat the crap out of her. so instead, i punched the wall. because i'm a fucking dick head.

"oh, your mum is gonna be pissed when she sees that," she laughed, causing the anger to grow.

"get out."

"but this is so fun!" she squealed and sat on my bed.

"get out. right now. before i do something you and me both will regret," i walked closer to her, glaring daggers. she suddenly looked scared, causing me to feel slightly bad, but mostly... powerful?

"whatever, asshat. you're a real dick, you know that?" she shoved my chest as she walked towards the window. once she was outside, she smirked, "i'll leave you alone. but since you're such a pussy, i'll do the job for you." and with that, she was gone.

i immediately picked up my phone and noticed rose didn't reply.

me: rose.

me: please answer me

me: it was sadie

me: i wouldn't bullshit you like this

me: look, everything i've been saying lately isn't true! sadie made me do it!

rose 🌹: fuck you

me: i deserved that. but pleaseeee hear me out!!

me: i haven't been able to admit it to myself, and i've been driving myself crazy. sadie told me to hurt you. i promise! she said she would tell everyone all my secrets. i said i don't want to do it anymore today, and she can tell everyone because your friendship means more to me than what others think of me. please believe me.

❗️ me: i love you
not delivered

my breath caught in my throat. did she just block me?

with my breath shaking, i ran my hand through the locks in my hair.

i need to fix this.

i stood up and opened my door. my mum was at work, so she wasn't going to be home for at least a few hours. i jogged to the front door and swung it open. i ran to rose's house, that was next door, and saw that most lights were on. shit, i hope her dad isn't home.

*warning: physical abuse*
i climbed the tree next to her window and i was about to hop in, but i realised she and her father were fighting. i couldn't quite hear what they were yelling about, but it was definitely serious because he looked like he was about to bash his head against a brick wall. rose tried pushing him out of his room, with tears streaming down her face. he grabbed her wrists and threw her on the tiled floor, then continued to scream at her. he then started to kick her ribs. i saw a few drops of blood fall on the floor, and my eyes widened. my trembling hands reached for my back pocket, but i remembered i forgot my phone. i've never experienced this type of event, so i was uncertain of what to do. i knew what i wanted to do, but i wasn't sure if i was able to actually do it. eventually, i builded up the courage to open the window. neither of them even saw me, thank god. i got inside and that's when adrian, her father, finally looked at me. his eyes widened and his expression was hard to read. he mainly looked shocked. honestly, i was shocked i even did it myself. rose was nearly about to pass out, her eyes were rolling to the back of her head.

"what the fuck are you doing in here? i can call the police for trespassing!" adrian screamed and walked over to me.

"oh yeah? i can call the police for abuse," i shot back a him with a boost of confidence as i stepped closer to him.

"you have no proof."

"i think that right there is enough proof, asshole," i said, referring to rose.

"she's too scared."

"she's a lot more braver when she isn't around you. so she'll be fine. now leave."

"this is my house! now get the fuck out kid, and go home!"

"lower your voice, jesus," i told him, trying to piss him off. "we don't want your dick to get scared, if you have one."

"you're ferrel," he spat.

"not as ferrel as you. i'm not afraid to throw a punch if you don't leave."

"oh, really? you? punching me? find then. do it," he smirked. "pussy."

"you asked for it."

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒; 𝘐𝘛 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛Where stories live. Discover now