ch. 5

69 1 2

*third person*

rose looked around, trying to spot wyatt somewhere in the crowd. jaeden had gone home with gaten, since gaten was drunk. rose felt alone and self consious when she couldnt see wyatt. she pulled her phone out of her pocket to text him, and saw that he had already texted her an hour ago, saying he had to go home and that she should walk home with jaeden. she bit her lip, realising she was going to have to go home alone. that thought scared her as she pictured scenarios in her mind. she slid her phone back into her pocket and stood there awkwardly. most people had left the party, which rose only just now noticed. around five people were sitting in a circle on the other side of the room. others were still dancing, or making out. she slowly walked to the door that lead outside, until she heard someone called her name. she reacted quickly by turning around. she faced noah, who had a slightly worried expression on his face. "wheres wyatt?"

"he went home," rose said.

"without you? does he expect you to walk home alone, at night?"

"he thought i was going home with jaeden, but jaeden had to go."

"well, im not allowing you to be by yourself this late. ill take you home, come on."

"really, noah, its fine."

"no, it isnt fine. he shouldve made sure you got home safely. did you drink anything?"


"good, now lets go," he grabbed her arm, but not in a harsh way, and pulled her outside. he noticed she didnt have a jumper or anything to keep her warm, so he took off his jacket and handed it to her. her eyes widened and she quickly gave it back to him. "noah, what the hell are you doing? its absolutely freezing. wear it for christs sake."

"rose, youre shivering! im not cold, honestly. please take it. i dont want you to get sick," noah lied about the 'im not cold' part.

"i dont want you to get sick either. now stop arguing and throw it on before you turn into a freaking popsicle."

noah groaned, "fine. but im cuddling you the entire way to your house, got it?"


"either i cuddle you or you wear the jacket."

"okay, fine. cuddle me then. just please put the jacket on."

noah threw it on and wrapped his arm around rose's waist and pulled her close to keep her warm. she sighed as they started walking, "sorry about this, noah."

"its fine. are you warm?"

she nodded.

"all i know is your house is on [insert random street name] street. what number is it?"

"eleven. it isnt too far away."

"doesnt wyatt live on that street?"

"yep. hes next door to me."


it was silence the rest of the way. it wasnt awkward, it was quite comfortable actually. they soon arrived at roses doorstep and she thanked him for walking her home.

"its no big deal, really. we should hang out some time."

she smiled, "agreed. ill see you later."

"see ya," he returned the smile and left. rose got inside her house and made her way to her room. she closed the door behind herself and sat on her bed. she peered out the window and noticed wyatts window was open and his light was on. she shrugged it off and got changed into her pajamas. she wrapped herself up with a thick blanket, staring out her window. her lips slightly parted as she grew worried about wyatt. she wasnt sure why, but she had a bad feeling in her stomach. her phone made a 'ding' sound, startling her. she picked it up and checked the notification.

jae: are you home?

she felt a smile grow on her face as she replied.

rose ❤️: yep. are you?
jae: yeah. just thought id make sure youre okay :)
rose ❤️: hows gaten?
jae: not so good. he's throwing up atm
rose ❤️: hopefully he learnt his lesson
jae: haha hopefully x

rose let out a small squeal when he added the 'x'. jaeden, on the other hand, was embarrassed. he thought she would think he was weird or something.

rose ❤️: good night, jae x

rose gripped the phone tightly while jaeden let out a sigh of relief, smiling to himself.

jae: night ❤️

*the next day*

rose arrived at the school, feeling slightly jittery. she wanted to get to wyatt as soon as she could to spill all the details about the previous night. she wanted to tell him about how nice noah is, how jaeden and her got along really well, and so on. after a while of looking for the curly haired boy, the bell rung. rose sighed and grabbed her things she needed for form. she went to class and sat down in a random seat. once everyone was inside the classroom, miss jensen started marking the role. she got to wyatt.

"wyatt oleff?"

there was silence and rose looked around the class.

"rose, do you have an idea of where wyatt might be?" she asked and rose shook her head, "no, ma'am."

it was odd. wyatt was always at school, and if he wasn't, he would text her. rose started to feel uneasy, getting worried about wyatt. she had to admit, she was definitely a worry wart.

miss jensen marked wyatt as absent and continued with the rest of the role. rose decided to text wyatt after form, before first period. once the teacher was finished, they waited for the bell to ring and then the class went to technology. rose messaged wyatt on her way there.

rose 🌹: hey, where r u

she slipped her phone back into her pocket and followed the rest of the class.

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