ch. 3

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*rose's p.o.v*

we arrived at the school.

"so, are you gonna tell me now?" i nagged.

"okay, fine," he smiled at me. "so, you know how i've always wanted to try out for lacrosse but i was too scared?"


"well..." he pulled out a piece of paper from his bag. "i'm going to do tryouts." he handed it to me. i examined it and it said it was at 7:45 am on the oval.

"that's... in two minutes," i said as i looked at my watch.

"right. so, are you coming?"

i don't really know what you're supposed to do in lacrosse tryouts so i'm gonna guess. tell me if i'm wrong please😂

"sure," i smiled. we walked to the school oval and we saw a bunch of guys lining up with lacrosse sticks in their hands. the coach blew the whistle and threw the ball. the guy in front caught the ball and ran up to a line in front of the goalie. he threw it at the goal but the goalie just caught it.

if you know coach finstock from the show teen wolf that's basically what the coach in this is gonna be like😂

"pathetic. absolutely pathetic. go to the back of the line, mclaughlin," the coach shook his head in disappointment. "smith, you're up."

wyatt looked at me with a bit of fear in his eyes, "what if i just make a fool of myself?"

"you'll do great, trust me."

he looked unsure but nodded. i sat on the bleachers and watched as he talked to the coach. he was sent to the back of the line.

after a few minutes, wyatt was in front. no one else was on the bleachers since it was just tryouts. the ball was passed to wyatt and he caught it with his lacrosse stick. he ran to the goal and shot it inside. the goalie had missed it. a smile spread across my face.

the coach shrugged, "i've seen better. okay, i want everyone split into two teams."

they all spread apart, half of them on one side of the oval while the rest are on the other side.

"now, using your knowledge about lacrosse, i want you guys to play as if it's a real game. got it?"

"yes, coach," everyone chorused.

"great." he blew the whistle and the game started.

that was horrible :) i didn't know what to write really so i guessed.

*after the tryouts*

wyatt ran up to me, sweat pouring off him, but with a huge smile plastered on his face. "i'm on the team," he announced proudly.

"told you," i poked my tongue at him. "good job though. not everyone made it."

the bell rang and i rolled my eyes, "i hate school."

"at least we have first period together."

i nodded and we walked to class.

*halfway through first period*

wyatt leaned over to me and whispered, "jaeden's looking at you."

i blushed, "is he?"

"yep. i bet he likes you."

"shut up," i couldn't help but smile.

"someone's blushing," he teased.

"wyatt, rose, is there something you would like to share with the class?" the teacher glared at us.

"um, no miss," wyatt said and she continued reading her book.

"just text me," i mumbled.

he nodded and pulled out his phone, making sure the teacher couldn't see it. i felt my phone vibrate and i checked what wyatt sent me.

olaf ⛄️: #jose or #raeden
me: no😂
olaf ⛄️: y not u guys r adorable
me: he doesn't like me wy
olaf ⛄️: yeh he does. there's a small party he wanted me 2 invite u 2 do u wanna come
me: y didn't he ask me himself
olaf ⛄️: bc he's a shy boi
olaf ⛄️: but wut do u say? should we go or not
me: ig
olaf ⛄️: good bc u didn't have a choice anyways
me: thought so smh
olaf ⛄️: wanna ditch
me: right now??
olaf ⛄️: nah how bout we ditch at the last minute of class? ofc now doofus
me: mk let's go
olaf ⛄️: i'll pretend like i'm sick or something mk?
me: then i 'take u to the nurse'?
olaf ⛄️: ye

wyatt coughed once. then again. and again. the teacher looked at him with a worried expression, "wyatt, are you okay?"

"um, i feel really sick. i can stay but i'm worried i will disturb the class."

"no, no. you should go to the school nurse."

"can i take him, miss?" i asked politely.

"of course. take him to the bathroom if he throws up," she gave us a sick pass. i nodded and helped him out of class. once we were out, we high fived each other.

"that was easy," he laughed. "she's so gullible, i swear."

"we gotta do that more often. c'mon, let's go before we run into miss staines."

he nodded in agreement and we started walking towards the gates, which were on the other side of the school. as we were about to walk out, a pesky voice, that seemed to be the most terrifying thing in the world at that moment, startled us.

"where do you think you're going?"

we turned around to face miss staines, the last person we wanted to see.

"b-bathroom," wyatt told her.

"bathroom's that way," she said as she pointed towards the toilets. "doesn't look like that's where you were going. come with me."

my heart thudded in my chest. please don't tell dad. please don't tell dad. i looked at wyatt with fearful eyes as i regretted agreeing to wag.

miss staines opened the principals office door for us. how sweet, i thought irritably. we entered the room and miss staines explained that she saw us about to leave the school grounds and lied to her about going to the toilets and blah blah blah.

"not my fault school fucking sucks," i muttered.

"excuse me?" miss staines glared at me.

"um, nothing," i looked down.

the principal, mr cook, cleared his throat and leaned over his desk, "as i have said multiple times, there will always be consequences for your actions. they are your choices, and so you must take responsibility for them. since you are usually good students, i will let you off. but if this happens again, i will have no choice but to suspend you. are we clear?"

"yes, sir. will you be informing our parents?" wyatt questioned as he fiddled with his thumbs.

"i will be. they need to know what's going on, okay?"

we both nodded, understanding.

"we promise it won't happen again, sir," i told him with a shaky voice.

"i hope so. now go to class. i trust you to go directly to your classroom without mucking around. i will be calling your teacher to make sure."

we stood up and left the room. i could hear wyatt's unsteady breathing.

"you okay, wy?"

"my mum's gonna kill me."

i've got so many ideas but i have to get further into the story to actually use them😂

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒; 𝘐𝘛 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘛Where stories live. Discover now