Chapter 1

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Margaret's P.O.V.

I knew Andrew and I had to board this small, tinny-tiny plane from Juneau to Sitka. It's full of people and it feels like with just a little rain the plane would crash.

"Hey, are you okay?" His voice sounds so calming, sweet and safe.

"Yeah...I...uh...I'm just tired." I lied knowing he'd catch me, but really I'm screaming inside.

"You have nothing to worry about." And he caught me. He reached for my hand and held on it tight. "Your hands are cold, you're nervous." I love how he knows me so much.

I took a deep breath and looked out the window. I'm going to be completely honest, I hate the window seats but Andrew insisted on sitting next to the walking isle, so I had no choice.

"Andrew?" I looked at him, waiting to meet his eyes.

"Yeah." He said as he read a magazine that was given to him by the plane lady.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am." He looked away from from the magazine and his eyes finally met mine. I turned around and watched the clouds silently.

Andrew's P.O.V.

As I look at the back of Margaret's head, I knew she's not tired. She was worried about what people are going to say when we're in Sitka. I still held on her hand, and I felt her hand laced with mine.

"Everything is going to be fine, as long as you don't run away this time." I joked.

She slowly turned her head around and squinted her eyes, crinkled her nose and gave me a sarcastic smile. Just as I expected for a respons.

"I'm not going to run away, not this time." She said rather seriously.

I pulled in for a hug and kissed the top if her head.

"Good, 'cause I'm not letting you." When I said those words I felt her smile on her face on my chest. "I'm serious. I'm gonna have Kevin chase you if you try to run away." I knew how she didn't like dogs. She slapped me playfully and she stayed leaning on my chest.

Margaret's P.O.V.

Being close with him and to him makes me feel safe.

Andrew's P.O.V.

Being close with her and to her makes me feel stronger and just wanting to protect her.

The plane lady and the pilot announced that the plane is landing in about ten minutes. Margaret and Andrew fastened our seatbelts and held on to each other.

"I love you." she whispered.

"I know, but I sure do love you more." I whispered back.

Margaret's P.O.V.

I'm better with him.

Andrew's P.O.V.

I'm better with her.

Gammy Annie, Grace, and Joe arrived at the airport twenty minutes early prior to Andrew and Margaret's landing.

"Do you see them? Do you see then anywhere?" Gammy Annie asked looking around.

"No mom, their plane doesn't land for another twenty to ten minutes." Joe amswered.

When the plane finally landed, Andrew helped Margaret off the plane and they both searched for Andrew's family.

Margaret's P.O.V.

This is it. I can't just walk away. Andrew help my hand as we continued to search for his family, soon I guess I can consider them my family too.

"Margaret, it's okay. Dont be nervous, we've got this far." He said trying to calm me down once again. "Oh! There, there they are! I found them." Andrew declared pointing towards his family.

"Oh great." Was all I said.

We rushed towards them. Some hugging, hand shaking, and cheek kissing occurred. Joe drove us to the dock. We walked towards the boat and I was thinking twice about getting on the boat.

"Hey, I know you're scared but I got you." Andrew slipped his hand across my waist.

Andrew's P.O.V.

I know by the look on her face that she's still terrified of the boat. If there was i another way to get to our home I would take that way with her.

"Thank you!" She said quietly.

"You know I always got you." I took her hand and helped her get on the boat. When dad started the engine, I held her tight and close to me until we arrived home. When we got there, just as I expected, the neighbours are over for a welcoming party. Margaret gave me a this is why I'm nervous look and slightly smiled at me.

Author's note.
I'm new to this fanfic thing but I read lots of really good ones. :) I hope you like this fanfiction of The Proposal. Don't forget to comment your thoughts about this, you can tell me if it sucks or if it's good enough. Also don't forget to Vote!

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