Chapter 7

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Andrew's P.O.V.

I was sleeping beside Margaret when I felt her move her body from side to side beside me, and it woke me up.

"Margaret?" I whispered with tired voice and barely opening eyes.

There was no response but she was moving then...

Then...she started to scream.

"Margaret!" I busted myself up and held her in my arms as she held on to the sheets tighter. "Margaret wake up, honey wake up." I yelled shaking her hysterically.

"'s not true." She whispered shaking her head. "NOOO!" She yelled waking herself up, breathing rapidly and crying.

Margaret's P.O.V.

It was a nightmare. A nightmare that still haunts me to this day.

Andrew's P.O.V.

"Margaret it's okay.....its okay. I'm here....I'm here." I said hugging here tight as she starts to cry harder.

"Andrew...."she cried. "Andrew it's not true... it's not true they're not dead. Tell me it's not true." She pleaded not realizing that she was awake, in the real world.

Just then I knew what she was talking about.

"'s just a bad dream. I'm here now it's okay." I said calming her down and pulling her closer to me. She continued to cry and I let her let it out.

I couldn't tell her it's not true because it is, they are gone and unfortunately they're not coming back.

Margaret's P.O.V.

I'm thankful to have Andrew with me, to comfort me.

My breathing started to slow down to normal.

I leaned my head on Andrew's chest as he rubbed my back slowly to keep me calm, suddenly someone knocked at the door which startled the both of us.

"Kids it's Gammy. Dinner's ready, Grace made the family tradition chicken soup." She indicated.

"We'll be down in a bit Gammy." Andrew said loudly.

He kissed my temple and got out of bed slowly.

"Do you want me to just bring you dinner?" He asked.

"No it's okay I'll come downstairs and have dinner with the family." I said forcing a smile as I stood up weakly.

I felt really hungry, and energy-less from that stupid nightmare.

Andrew's P.O.V.

I watched Margaret walk to the bathroom weakly.

Up to this day, after fifteen long years she still thinks about her parents. It's not that I want her to forget about them, it's just that maybe she could move on from the accident.


After Margaret walked out of the bathroom. The couple walked together downstairs to join the family for dinner.

The family talked about future plans and the big awaited wedding. The whole time, Margaret didn't say anything.

"Are you okay?" Andrew whispered looking at his food trying not to draw attention.

"Yes." Margaret whispered stiffly. "Uhm...will you excuse me?" She asked politely.

She stood up and went straight out the door.

"Andrew is there something wrong?" Grace asked looking at the direction that Margaret went then back at Andrew.

"No...nothing. I guess she just needed air." He said finishing his dinner. "She had a bad dream a while ago." Andrew continued standing up to follow his fiancé.

Margaret heard the door open behind her.

"Hey it's cold out here." He said.

"I'm fine. I need the cold air, I was feeling quite warm anyways." She replied crossing her as over her body.

Andrew took off his light jacket and put it over Margaret's shoulders. "Well it's way too cold for someone to be wearing only a tank top, you know?" He said pulling Margaret beside him for a hug.

"Thank you." She mumbled. Andrew nodded his head. They stood in silence but Andrew couldn't hold it in anymore, he has to ask her.

"What was your dream?" He asked looking down at Margaret.

She looked up at him and said, "it's nothing, don't worry about it."

"Well, I'm worried already. I've never seen you freaked out like that and I've never seen you cry like that. You know you're always so tough and strong. Your dream must be really serious." He said softly.

"Andrew please, it's nothing. I promise." She said pulling herself from him and walked away.

"Margaret, see this is our problem." He yelled as he followed her. "I've known you for four years but I don't know much about you because you won't let me. You're still so secretive about your past and yourself. It's like you don't want me to be in your world. It's like you have your own little 'Margaret bubble' and nobody is allowed in."

Margaret's P.O.V.

Is he right?

Am I still secretive about myself?

As much as I want to let him into my world and open myself up to him, I don't know how. I've never done it before.

"Margaret? Margaret Elizabeth Tate are you listening to me?" He yelled three feet away from me, pulling me out of thoughts.

He has never called me by my whole name...

"Yeah, I'm...I'm listening. Look Andrew" I said turning around. "I don't have my own little 'bubble' and there are just somethings I'm still not ready to share." I said looking at him.

As much as he couldn't hold his childish questions, I couldn't hold my tears. They started rolling down my cheeks and I was just broken. My knees felt like they couldn't hold my body weight, and I felt them hit the ground. I heard Andrew's footsteps rushing towards me. I buried my face in my hands then I felt his warm hug on me.

"It's's okay...I got you." he whispered.

Andrew's P.O.V.

I just want to know what's inside her, what is she keeping that causes her to break down like this.

I rubbed her back to calm her down. I let her cried in arms again. I hate it when she cry, and I hate it even more when I caused it. Once she was calm she tried to speak.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm being difficult."

"No your not, but you just can't keep it all in. You have to let it go. When your ready you can tell me, you know I'll listen." I said keeping her close to me.

"Tomorrow." She said. I pulled her away from me a bit so I could see her face.

"Tomorrow? What about tomorrow?" I asked curiously.

"Tomorrow...tomorrow would be the fifteenth year anniversary of the day the doctors told me that my parents were... they were gone. Tomorrow would the fifteenth year anniversary of the day I've felt useless and alone. The fifteenth year anniversary of the day I told myself I have to stand up in my own two feet." She confessed. "Every year before that day I always have a dream of how reacted at the hospital when they told me and wouldn't go away."

"I'm sorry honey. But remember that now you're not alone because I'm here, and your not useless because you're smart and scary." I joked making her giggle a bit. "It's okay...I'm here and not ever leaving because I love you."

"I love you too."

I was about to kiss her when...

"Andrew? Margaret? Why don't the two of you get inside its cold out here. Come on." Mom called which made the two of us laugh.

"Why don't we go inside." Margaret giggled.

We stood up and made our way inside.

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