Chapter 11

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Margaret went straight to bed and slept on her headache, and dizziness.

Three days had passed. Only nine more days until the wedding. Margaret woke up with an empty space beside her on the bed where Andrew should've been.

Margaret's P.O.V.

"Andrew?" I whispered with my tired voice.

For the past three days my headache and dizziness have been on and off, but it's back again although its more dizziness than headache.

"Andrew?" I whispered once more trying to pull myself up against the cold wooden headboard.

I looked around and the room was slightly lit by the fireplace. It's nice, warm and relaxing but no Andrew. Leaning my back flat in the headboard with my eyes gently shut trying to fall back asleep, I heard the door open slowly, then footsteps towards the bed. I felt the space beside me slightly sink.

"Andrew?" I whispered not opening my eyes or looking facing his direction.

"Hmmm?" He hummed.

"Is that you?" I asked weakly, the dizziness was taking over me.

"Yes, honey are you alright?" He asked placing his cold hand on my forehead. I just nodded my head. He place a gentle kiss on my temple and tucked himself in the covers.

"Where did you go?"

Andrew's P.O.V.

"Where did you go?" She asked.

Where did I go? That question kept on repeating in my head. Where DID I go?

"I uh....I got the munchies, so I went to go get a snack." I answered stuttering a bit. "I'm sorry did I wake you?"

"" she shook her head no.

She leaned her head on my shoulder, then her eyes jolted open and her hand flew over her mouth. She got up quickly and rushed to the bathroom. I got up right after her and quickly walked to the bathroom, but before I could enter she closed the door on my face.

"Oh...hol...shit...oh je..." Margaret yelled random words as she vomited in the bathroom.

"Margaret I'm coming in okay?" I whispered to the door so she could hear me.

Margaret's P.O.V.

" way." I yelled. He can't see me like this.

"Honey, it's either you let me come in or I'm getting mom to come in there."

"Andrew...okay fi..." Before I could even finish my sentence I needed to puke again. I heard the door click and Andrew was standing behind me, holding my hair as I gripped my hands on the toilet seat. I felt his hand lightly rubbing my back. After I had puked all I ate for what I had for dinner, I leaned back on Andrew.

"It's okay, I'm here." He whispered.

Andrew's P.O.V.

Margaret was leaning on me, she looked so sick and weak.

"Do you want me to call someone? Or bring you to the hospital?" I asked trying to sit down.

", no hospitals." She pleaded shaking her head.

~1K? Seriously, you guys are amazing! I never thought this fanfic would get that much reads, not even nearly that much :) thank you for reading and thank you so much for the wonderful comments from the past chapters :) and also the votes! I hope to read more comments from you guys :)~

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