Chapter 4

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Note! (Must read!)

Sorry if I have notes on every chapter. I will try to stop. This is another short chapter and so is the next one. I will try to make the other chapters as long as possible. Thanks for the reads, wonderful comments, and votes. I'm glad to know what you guys think of this fanfic and hope to read more comments, so leave a comment of what you think and vote ;) oh and let me know if you write fanfics too, cause I WANNA READ 'EM.


Margaret's P.O.V.

Maybe he's right, maybe Andrew is better off with Gert and not me.

I stood up and walked towards my bags and slowly gathered them in my arms when Andrew burst through the door. When he walked in there was not a word, he silent and so was I but I could hear him catching his breath. He eyes were shifting to the bag and to me, he was trying to focus on me.

"Where are you going?" He whispered every word after every breath.

Andrew's P.O.V.

"Where are you going?" I whispered very word after every breath.

There was no answer, Margaret just stood still two metres away from me like she saw a ghost. I guess she wasn't expecting me.

"Margaret. Where? Where....are you...going?" I asked hoping its will be the last question.

Margaret's P.O.V.

I stood still on where I was standing. I don't know what to tell him, I don't know how to answer his question. I have no answer!

"Margaret honey, tell me please where are you going?" He asked for the fourth time, and this time he was slowly raising his voice.


The word finally came and so did the tears.

"Andrew, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that this is happening. I'm sorry that you and Gert didn't work out. I'm so sorry that I was about to break my promise of never leaving you again but maybe if I go everything will be better for you, maybe-" Andrew interrupted my monologue with a hug, a warm, calming, bear hug.

"It's okay....shhhhh. It's not your fault, nothing is your fault." He said rubbing my back because that always calms me down.

Andrew's P.O.V.

I can't believe Margaret feels that everything is her fault, I feel awful that she feels this way. "Look at me," I said peeling here off from the hug. "It's not your fault Gert and I dint work out because I didn't even knew you existed. It's not your fault this is happening, and you are not, never going to break your promise of never leaving me, okay?" I continued as I wiped the tears off of her delicate-rosy cheeks.

I hugged on again not wanting to let go.

I'm her knight and shining armour.

Margaret's P.O.V.

He's my hero, as cheesy as that sounds but he is.

Andrew's P.O.V.

There's nothing I want more in this world but to see Margaret always smiling. I was still hugging her, not wanting to let go but someone knocked the door.

"Come in."

"Hi" It was Gert, we were surprised to see her. "I'm so sorry about what Chuck had said." She was very apologetic but more towards me than Margaret.

"It's okay, I planted one on his face already." Margaret gave me a look.

"I...I know, well I should get going." She left not even acknowledging that Margaret was in the room.

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