Chapter 17

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Margaret's P.O.V.

Andrew told me he'll come and get me in thirty minutes...four hours ago. I left the dock when he didn't came, I found a street way that led to the woods to the their home. Once I got there I was hungry, out of breath, and tired. I walked inside the house and found Grace in the living room.

"Hey, where have you been?" She asked sounding very concerned.

"I walked here." I replied trying to hold back the tears that caused of waiting for Andrew.

"Why didn't you ride the boat? Where's Andrew?"

"I...I actually don't know, that's why I walked here."

"You must be tired. Walking here from town is double the time of riding the boat." She said softly leading me to the kitchen for a late-lunch.

"No, actually I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going to go upstairs and change. I want to go for a walk." I said turning back heading upstairs.

Once I've change my clothes, I grabbed my music player and played loud music. Before I walked out of the room, I notice my pregnancy test in my purse. I took it with me, I might possibly need it for my thinking. I walked out of the house and into the woods. I found the same tree stump I've sitting on and sat down. I fished my test from my pocket and looked at it, hard. It had just dawned on me that I, Margaret Tate-who's-not-afraid-of-anything, is afraid of taking care of a child. I held the test in my hand real tight and pressed my knees close to my chest and sobbed quietly to myself.

Andrew's P.O.V.

I ran in the house and found my mom sitting down sipping some tea.

"Margaret?" I called out like I didn't see anybody around me. "Margaret, are you here?"

"Andrew, what's going on?" My mom asked rushing towards me.

"Is she here?"

"No, she was but she left again. Did you guys had a fight?" She said in a serious tone. "She looked pretty upset when she got home. Andrew this is not how I thought you. I thought you to respect women and not-"

"We didn't have a fight, and I do respect Margaret or any other woman. I told her I'd meet her four hours ago but it slipped off of my mind." I said interrupting her. "Now, do you have an idea to where I could find my fiancé?"

"She's in the woods. She looked pretty upset." She said informing me. Without a word I ran out the house and to the woods.

I searched everywhere but she was nowhere to be found, then I realized that she always go to the tree stump somewhere in the middle of the woods.

Margaret's P.O.V.

I have been sitting on the tree stump for a ten minutes. It was nice, quiet and peaceful until I heard some sticks cracking, telling me someone was close by. I slowly brought my knees down to the ground and wiped my tears away but I still held tightly to the test.

"Thank god I found you." Said by a familiar voice, too familiar I must say.

I nodded my head, but I didn't turn to look.

"Look, Margaret I'm really sorry. It totally slipped my-"

"It's okay." I whispered trying not to cry.

"It's not okay. You waited four hours. I'm really so-"

"Andrew! Please stop, it's okay." I raised my voice and turned my head a little. "Could you please just go, I want to be alone."

"No I can't just leave you alone."

"Fine! Then I'll go." I stood up too quickly and I started to feel dizzy. I fixed my self and prepared to walk but everything was spinning, worst than how I saw the ice cream parlor spin earlier. I held on to the tree stump for balance but it was no use. I pretended that nothing was wrong and I tried to walk as straight as possible pass Andrew, but it couldn't be done. I felt as light as a feather before I felt Andrew's arm catching me.

Andrew's P.O.V.

Whatever is wrong with Margaret is probably something serious.

"Margaret? Margaret wake up!" I yelled shaking her, but she didn't responded to my shaking so I lifted her and carried her home.

Grace's P.O.V.


I heard Andrew call out.

I rushed to his direction and saw an unconscious Margaret hanging on his arms.

"What the hell happened?" I panicked. I can see some guilt on Andrew face.

"I don't know. She been fainting for the past few days and she pretty sick last night." Andrew said holding back some tears. "Mom, do something please, or call someone." He begged.

"I...I...I will. Bring her to your room and check her temperature to see if she has a fever. I'll be up in a few minutes." I said rushing to the phone to call a doctor.

Andrew's P.O.V.

I rushed upstairs as fast and as safely as I could. I gently put Margaret on our bed and ran to the medicine cabinet for the thermometer. I checked Margaret's temperature and she didn't have a fever. Just then I notice her fist closed tightly, like she didn't want to let go of something. I was about to open her hand, when my mom rushed in the room with a house call doctor.

~wow it had been so long! So so so sorry I've been so busy... School had been a handful and stressful but quiet fun. :) sorry for the very late update I hope you enjoyed it. Tell me your thoughts about it... Comment and vote! .x love lots MHUA!~

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