A new fault amist our stars

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Disclaimer: John green owns everything I own none of his amazing ideas

It was mid march my mother became convinced I was utterly depressed. I guess she was almost right. See I wasn't depressed I was just waiting to be happy. I had read before that you only have one chance at happiness and if you miss it, it's gone. So I'm waiting to find that happiness and not waste it. Plus people don't like being friends with depressed kids because they always have to cheer them up. So that means all the kids that know me know I'm "depressed" thus not wanting to be friends. This for me, a shy person, is a wonder gift from god himself. The only thing is my mom doesn't exactly understand that I don't really want friends.

Mom: "Why do you never try to make friends?"

Me: " Because I don't need friends."

Mom:" Hazel?"

Me: " Fine you caught me, I hate people"

Mom: "This is why I signed you up for support group"

Me: " Do I really have to go there its really depressing and spoiler alert I hate it there"

Mom: " Car. Now"

Me: "ughhhhh"

My mom had some time ago sighed me up for this "depressed people" support group where a bunch of kids, with depression, met up and ate stale cookies while talking about their feelings. Sounds fun doesn't it? She drove me to support group which is held in a church back room. The basement or "The heart of Jesus" is where the cancer kids meet up. Their group is probably more depressing then ours. You feel bad at first but then realize its apart of a real sucky life. We get to the church and I start to open the door when my mom stops me "Make some friends okay hazel?" she says. "Not likely" I say as I close my door and head inside. Not even saying good bye. I open the church door and hold it open for a women wheeling in what looks like a cancer kid. He's not looking so hot either. Once they go through the door I close it and head to the back room where some kids have already sat down. I grab some lemonade and a Walmart cookie when I notice him looking at me. A boy with mahogany hair and blue eyes. He's just staring at me. Like he's trying to really hard not to stare but he can't help it. I feel my face turn pink because at my defense I don't exactly look the best. I'm wearing faded jeans that used to be lose but now have grown tight in all the wrong places and a t-shirt with a band I don't even listen to anymore. None the less h was staring at me and nothing else. He finally sat down across from me a next to a kid I knew names Isaac. Isaac was the only person here I would even dare say a word to except we never say words we communicate through sighs and shrugs and slight nods. It works for us. Patrick the 40 year old guy that runs the whole support group sits and that means the whole thing is starting. He recounts for the thousand time his depressing life and how he was clinically depressed and how his life sucks. I tune him out and finally stare back at the boy. He hasn't broken his stare since I've sat down. I didn't mind though because he was to put it lightly, hot. Its creepy when a creepy person stares at you but when a hot boy stares. That's something else. He finally broke the staring competition when Isaac starting talking. He then looked back at me when he realized Isaac wasn't talking about him. I flicked up my eye brow silently asking if I had won and he just shrugged looked back at Isaac. I had finally started to listen to what he was saying. "yeah everything is getting better at home but Augustus makes it pretty nice to be living" he says motioning to the boy who now had a name. Isaac finally shut up and let Augustus go because it was his turn to talk. "My name is Augustus Waters" he says. "And how are you feeling Augustus" Patrick asks. "Oh me I'm grand". The rest of the support group went by rather quickly and soon im back outside waiting for mom's car to resurface. As I wait someone grabs my arm when I realize its that boy named Augustus Waters.

I stare at him as I he will fade away at any given moment. "Hi" I say unsure of why he would be grabbing my arm. "Hello nameless person" he says and that's when I realize I've never even talked until now. "I'm hazel" I say. "What's your full name" he says. "Hazel Grace Lancaster" I say back to him. "Well hazel grace it's nice to meet you" he says as he flashes a smile that's almost too big for his face. "As to you " I say laughing. That's when he pulls out a pack of cigarettes He takes one out of the pack and puts it between his lips. He puts the pack back in his pocket where I'm guessing the lighter is but he never takes one out. "Are you going to light it?" I say even thought I'm disgusted by cigarettes. "No I never have" he says smiling that goofy smile again. "It's a metaphor see you put the killing thing between your teeth but you don't give it the power to do its killing". He's smart. I like smart. "Well Augustus today you have thoroughly impressed me but I must be on my way" I say I see my mom's car coming. "You remind me of 2006 Natalie Portman from "V For Vendetta" ever seen it? "No". "Well you must" "Okay well I'm free later this week if you want to-" "No like right now". At this point mom was almost at the curb me and Augustus were standing on. "But you could be an axe murderer for all I know" I say. "That I could hazel grace" He says laughing. Mom was now waiting a few feet away from where me Augustus are standing and she's just watching me. "Mom" I shout. "Yeah" "I'm going to Augustus Waters's house I'll be back before ten I have my phone" She nods and drives away but not before shouting that she loves me. Augustus leads me to his black car and he opens the door for me. He starts the car up and we start to head down the road. Let me tell you he's an awful driver. He can never stop or start the car normally and its starting to make me nauseous. But we get to his house just in time for his parents to invite me to stay for dinner. It's not like I can decline so I politely say yes. Augustus shows me his room in the basemen which Is imprecisely full of trophies for what seems to be basket ball. He grabs the movie from his little movie shelf and we head upstairs to watch it because Augustus's dad made a fuss about us being in the basement alone together. So he popped it into the TV upstairs and we watched it. We sat on separate ends of the couch and I did the whole middle school thing where you put your hand half way and the other persons hand is supposed to meet yours. Except his didn't meet mine. He was to engrossed in the movie to really care. Almost because right before the dramatic end he put his pinky on mine but only for about thirty seconds because then his parents brought us dinner and we ate on the couch. After the movie was down Augustus went back down stairs to put the movie back and I followed him. "What's your favorite book?" he asked randomly as he was searching for something. I immediately said to him "An Imperial Affliction" because it was one of the best books in the world. "Sounds boring but I'll try to read it in the meantime please hazel read this amazing book spin off of my favorite video game "The price of dawn"." "Call me after you finish it okay?" "Okay" I agreed and then we went upstairs. I said thank you and good bye to his parents and then we were back in his car. We were back in my house in 20 minutes flat. I was just about to shut the door when he said "Aren't you going to ask for my number so you can call, me when you are done" he said. "I bet you already wrote it into the book" he just smiled and I shut the door. I waved as he drove away and then went back inside.

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