Shade 50

177 17 14

It's the last episode!! What a wild ride we had here with our effboi wannabe Silvertongue and the oh-so-typical Mary Sue Amethystglimmer. I tried to make this episode something unique, but alas I am only the author. Thank you WhisperSpirit for lending me your idea!

Silvertongue stands in his man cave, admiring his weird, big, metal creation. 

Silvertongue: I'm a genius.

Blackshadow: *glances at contraption* I just see a hunk of junk.

Silvertongue: Oh, silly Blackshadow. This here is an amazing invention.

Blackshadow: *rolls up a wad of catnip* What's it do? Tell you compliments because no one else will?

Silvertongue: *ignores* Haha, hilarious. It'll make me look like anyone I want!

Blackshadow: Because your self-esteem plummeted?

Silvertongue: Well... yes, but if I disguise myself to someone Amethystglimmer already loves and dispose of the original, I will finally succeed!

Blackshadow: Isn't that a little... low?

Silvertongue: *bares fangs* I. Will. Do. ANYTHING. For my Amethystglimmer.

Blackshadow: *shrugs* Okay. Who are you gonna be? Assuming, of course, that your garbage invention actually works.

Silvertongue: *narrows eyes* Weren't you dating Amethystglimmer?

Blackshadow: Silvertongue, no.

Silvertongue: You were, weren't you?

Blackshadow: I'm your only friend.

Silvertongue: ANSWER!

Blackshadow: *getting nervous* Yes, but think for a minute–

Silvertongue: I'm sorry that it came to this.

Blackshadow: What? *angry* Do you hear yourself?

Silvertongue: *fiddling with some weird, sharp tools* I'll need to remove some of your fur.

Blackshadow: Are you crazy?

Silvertongue: Yes! And she WILL love me!

Silvertongue attacks Blackshadow, pinning him with one paw while using a mysterious tool to rip out a clump of his fur.

Blackshadow: OW!

Silvertongue: *raises claw to kill* Don't worry, all the pain will go away real soon.

Blackshadow: WAIT! Can I at least finish the catnip?

Silvertongue: *rolls eyes* *slashes Blackshadow's throat*

Blackshadow: *gurgles* *dies*

Silvertongue: Ew, I'll pick up the body later.

Silvertongue opens a slot in the machine and places the fur in it before pushing it closed. A green light flashes and he opens the door, stepping inside.

Silvertongue: Today's the day.

The machine dings and Silvertongue steps out. He has black fur and alluring amber eyes, just like Blackshadow did.

Silvertongue: Let's do this. *strolls into camp and spots Amethystglimmer* Heyyy, baby!

Amethystglimmer: Blackshadow! Didn't you dump me?

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