Chapter 1- The beginning

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Rosa's POV

*Beep, beep, beep* My alarm goes off, ugh it's 6:35. Her plane will be here around 8:00. I get out of bed and hop in the shower. After I was done I throw on jeans, converse high tops, my bright colored shirt, and my black blazer. I put on eyeliner and then brush my teeth and let me hair dry so I can have my natural curls. When I got down stair's it was 7:15. I grabbed my purse, phone, and an apple.

"Bye mom I'll be back soon I have to pick Eleanor up."

"Okay, I'll be cleaning and getting ready. Come straight home when you get her."

"Okay mom."

Eleanor was one of my best friends in England.

~Back Story~

Every summer I would visit my grandma in England. I met a girl named Eleanor Calder, she was three years older than me. She always came over when I visit, as I was getting older we did everything together. I haven't been to England in two years. Eleanor was visiting us and staying at the house for two months.

~Back to life~

I finally got to the airport at 7:56. Then I walked to the little store, and looked at the food/ home magazines. I notice a One Direction magazine, typical there on almost every cover. When I looked at my phone it was 8:10, and then I get a text saying:

"Go to the front desk, and ask to see Mrs. Helen. When you get to her tell her your name, and she'll bring you to the back -El Xx"

"Okay" I replied.

So I did as I was told. I didn't understand why, but she'll parable tell me when I see her. When I got to the back I saw her with a guy.

"Hey El."

"Rosa you made it."

"Of course, I did your my best friend."

"Rosa this is Louis my boyfriend."

"Hello Louis."

"Hey Rosa."

"El my mom told me that when I pick you up we have to go back to the house before we do anything."

"Okay, let me just say bye to the boys."


Then El walks to the other room, and so I decide to follow her. When we get in the room I saw four other boys.

"Boys I have to go my ride is here. I'll come by later."

"Bye El, Um... who's she?" one of them asked

"Boy's This is Rosa, she's been my best friend since I was three."

"Hello Rosa. My name is Niall."

"Hello Niall, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Liam, and that's Zayn and that's Harry."

"Well hello Liam, Zayn, and Harry."

Harry turned around and locked eyes with me. I looked away quickly. Eleanor grabbed her stuff and then headed to my car. I heard people screaming, and then security guards started running to the doors. What was going on I thought. As we walked out the doors people started to surround us. Eleanor where's Louis? Who's this girl? All these questions were asked, pictures were taking. Oh my gosh please tell me those aren't paparazzi I thought.

We finally got in my car and drove off.

"What happen back there?"


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