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Jeno's POV-

I loved the fact that every single lesson I had he was in but at the same time I hated it, it was frustrating. It was frustrating because he sat in the over side of the room. You would of at least thought that in one of my lessons he was near me or in fact next to me. BUT NO! God hates me. And because I sit nowhere near him I have literally no reasons to go and talk to him. There have been times where I nearly got a chance to but something always stopped it. Like why? Can't the universe just let me be happy and somehow magically get with him. 

I think by now everyone knows how much I like him or in their words "deeply and madly in love with a guy I have never spoken to." I want to speak to him, I try to speak to him but I can't. But would I say I love him? I don't know because I really want to get to know him. I want to know what he hates, loves, what his family is like, his habits. I just want to know everything about him. Once I do, then I will say I truly do love him.  I do know I have feelings for him, feelings that won't go away even after I die because it has been years since I have liked him. And them years have made me feel like I have liked him forever. I can't picture me not having feelings for him, it is just weird to think about. 

Who is this guy? Jaemin. 


"Morning class, the reason I have you all at the back of the classroom is because I have a new seating plan. I know what you are thinking. Why? Well we are almost half-way through the year and most of you have wasted the time we have had so far so to prevent wasting anymore time and to make sure you all work to the best of your ability I have moved you. Any moaning, you are out of this class and don't except to get good grades from this lesson or any in general." 

As he was given people their brand new places I was looking at Jaemin wondering how far we will be this time and my chances to talk to him will go from 1% to 0.000001% but it is fine, right? But I was still somewhat hoping that I'm next to him. Plus he is one of the most hardworking people in this class while I don't bother and still get really good grades. I mean Jaemin does get good grade but mine are a lot higher. Maybe Jasemin could rub off of me.

I looked up to the teacher and he seemed a bit annoyed at me but Jaemin is just so perfect, once you start looking at him, it is hard to stop.
"Erm, Jeno and Jaemin you too will be sitting at the back next to each other."
I instantly smiled, finally God was looking out for me. This was my time to finally make Jaemin fall in love with me and for us to get married and have our own family. Okay, maybe I'm thinking too ahead but I couldn't help. I wanted to scream in victory but that might be a bit too weird.

I looked over to Jaemin and he looked a bit worried to sit next to me. I couldn't really understand why though. Did Jaemin see me as such a bad person? But I needed to make sure what ever opinion he had on me, that it had to change and so soon as possible too. Jaemin walked past me to his seat and I couldn't help it but look at him. He was so beautiful.

I toke my seat next to him and as soon as I did Jaemin started to do his work. He spent every lesson working throughout it, other then the odd occasion when Renjun would speak to him. But then again they do always sit next to each other. And Renjun was sitting right in front of us, so it wouldn't be long until  they started to speak. But becuase I was sitting next to Jaemin I was able to see how he really did worked and the first thing noticed was he doesn't do as much work as I thought he did. But I could tell Jaemin was trying his hardest, I wanted to help him.

Renjun turned around to make sure if he was alright and if he needed any help.
"Jaemin, are you ok? Do you need any help."
I knew what I had to do to make Jaemin feel better around me, I needed to help him.
"Renjun, it is fine. I will help him."
Renjun was one of the smartest people in this school but I'm sorry to break it to him, but the last time I checked I'm doing better than him. Renjun didn't seem so sure about me helping Jaemin but Renjun didn't seem like the person to cause drama, so he just turned around.

I looked back to Jaemin but he made sure I couldn't see him doing his work, why was he acting like this? What have I done wrong to him? This might be harder than what I thought but I didn't want to force him to talk to me. Maybe baby steps might be best for now. I need to start little conversations with him for now.

"Erm, so, are you ok?"
I looked at Jaemin but he didn't straight away turn to face me, it toke him two or three seconds. But I only think it was because he wasn't sure if I was talking to him. He looked so confused and so cute.
"Jaemin are you ok?"
If anything He seemed even more confused that I was talking to him but I guess he didn't want to come across as rude so he quickly smiled at me lightly.
"Sorry, I wasn't sure if you was talking to me. Sorry. I'm good thank you and how are you?"


His voice was sweet and soft. I have slightly heard his voice before but that was only when he was saying  'here' for the register, nothing else. But now being able to hear his voice as clear as day, it is just so perfect. I just want to take his voice home with me.

I was cut off by the one and the only Haechan. This boy was something, he was loud, weird, annoying and always in your face but he was and will always be my best friend.
"Yes Jeno! You are finally making your move on Jaemin. I have been waiting years for this moment. I'm one proud mum!"
Now my best friend was going to die. I know he was just excited for me but I was trying to make Jaemin feel less tense around me, not feel more tense. And also didn't help how the class was pretty quite and how he did scream it put loud enough for the dead to hear.
"Fuck off to Mark!"

"Both of you two outside now!"
Well, isn't that great.

We we're both standing outside with our teacher in front of us. He didn't look mad at us, I just think he was more worried about Jaemin. Great! What if he thinks we are bullying Jaemin? What if Jaemin thinks we are bullying him? Jaemin is never going to talk to me now. All I got to say to him was one fucking line.

"You both are smart kids but there are kids in that class that work so God hard and work a lot more harder than you and still get low grades and I don't think that is fair. Only becuase you two can pick up on anything doesn't mean others can so you distracting others isn't fair to them. There are also kids in that class that don't have parents like yours to fall back on and they have to do well or otherwise they have nothing and what about the kids with learning disabilities? They are the ones who die to have the knowledge that you have and you don't even care. You two have wasted half a year doing nothing and just picture what if happened if you two spent the rest of the year working hard, your grades would be perfect."

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