why my mum?

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Jaemin's P.O.V-

I knocked on Jeno's door to be greeted  with a smiling Jeno but I didn't have time to be amazed by his smile when I need to ask Mr Lee questions, now!

"Where is your dad? I need to talk to him now!"
I could tell Jeno was confused with my outburst but he would soon find out. I pushed past Jeno and I screamed out,
"MR LEE! You better fucking explain to me now before I tell Jeno exactly what has being going down in your divorce!"
I was so angry at him! Why couldn't he of left my mum alone but no he had to get involved with my mum. I saw Mr Lee walk towards me and he had his phone in his hand, so I could tell he was just on the phone to my mum. Great.

"Jaemin, let me talk to you somewhere else. You don't really understand what has happened and you are confused because your dad is back."
My dad has nothing to do with them two. Why blame my dad when they were together before my dad came out of prison.
"Your dad is back!"
Oh shit, I forgot, I didn't tell Jeno about that. I turned to Jeno and I felt bad for him because he is going to find out a lot all at once. But at that point of time I didn't really think a bit how Jeno would feel, I was angry and wanted everyone to know what was happening.
"No! We are going to talk here or are you too scared for Jeno to find out the truth! Or should I be the one to tell him instead?"

Mr Lee walked closer to me, I knew he was trying his best to calm me down but this was his fault.
"Listen Jaemin, don't make this any harder for anyone else and let's talk somewhere else before you make a mistake and tell Jeno the wrong things."
"No! You can explain here and tell me the truth while Jeno is here!"
I looked at Jeno and I could tell he didn't know what to do or say since he had no idea what was really going down but he needed to know the truth. I know Jeno said he wanted my mum to be with his dad but if this is something he really wanted then he needed to know.
"Ok Jaemin I will do that but you both need to sit down first."

We walked into the living room and I was getting anger and anger by the second, while Jeno went from being confused with everything to being scared. But if this is something he truly wants he didn't need to be scared. We all sat down and both my and Jeno just waited for Mr Lee to explain himself.

"Me and Jaemin's mum are together, it hasn't been long but I really do care about her and Jaemin I know you are thinking that I was with your mum before I was done with Jeno's mum but that is not the case, we got together after. So no we weren't having an affair."
I looked at Jeno and he didn't seem bothered by any of this and he seemed really happy, which wasn't a suprise to me. The amount of times he would mention to me how he wanted our parents to be together, so to him thus must of been all too good for him. I wasn't mad when Mr Lee said he got with my mum after he was done with Jeno's because it meant he wasn't using my mum, or that is what I think or all I know. I just don't want him leaving my mum and getting back with Jeno's because it would hurt her, plus she must be serious about Jeno's dad if she turned down my dad.
"Dad, I'm happy for you but why are you mad Jaemin? Isn't this meant to be a good thing?"
No one ever sees things from my point of view. I could think of so many reasons to why thus relationship won't work out and all things things that would happen to my mum after. And they didn't even want to tell me about them two either! They wanted to hide it away from me.
"Jeno listen Jaemin is having a hard time with all of this and I understand and so should you."
Not on my watch sweetie.

I stood up and started to shout.
"You don't understand because if you did you wouldn't of got with my mum so soon or not got with her at all. Let's be real Jeno came crying to me about how broken you was by this divorce and how hard it was for him to see his dad cry. He also told me about a week ago you were arguing with his mum and again how upset by it you was. You may have broken up with Jeno's mum but you still have not got that divorce yet and you are still a married man who is using a poor women to make you forget all about Jeno's mum. You probably think that that she would easily fall for you and that you can use her for all your needs but as soon as you are done with her you are going to throw her away and get with some rich chick. It also makes you feel good that you get to be her hero and spoil her and you think it will make you a great guy but I'm not buying it. Don't you think my mum hasn't met guys like you before, she might not see that yet but she will one day and when she does good luck to you. And Jeno, this is what you want right? Well if it truly is then we can't be together. If our parents are together I'm going to have to see you as a brother because there is no way on this earth I will be going out with my step-brother plus it would be easier if we see each other as brothers anyway so it helps out your dad while he is with my mum but don't think I will take you back when your dad throws away my mum. Also Mr Lee have you not thought what would happen to my mum when you are fine with her? Because I have. She would be fired by you and not have enough money to live in the place we are staying at so we would have to more to cheaper place which probably means out of Seoul but it is fine, nothing bad will happen to you or your son. "

I was ran out of the house and started to run to some place that I don't know yet until Jeno grabbed a hold of my hand and turns me around.
"Jaemin I love you, I can't lose you because of this. Don't let this effect us, please I'm begging you."
He was crying and he fell to the floor but I can't be with him especially under these circumstances. It would just get harder for us and it hurts me too, to do this to him but it had to be done.
"Jeno I love you too but it has to be this way."

Also happy Halloween, even though it doesn't feel like Halloween or anything. I'm spending Halloween with my bed and eating sweets, since I have no friends.

Also nct at sm's Halloween party was brilliant.

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