Can you just listen?

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Jeno's P.O.V-

It has been a couple of days since I last saw Jaemin or even heard from him. I was worried about him but what annoyed me the most was he didn't tell me his dad was back, like he was meant to tell me so I could of been there for him but I guess he didn't think of that maybe because what my parents were going through he didn't want to worry me more. But I knew he really loved his dad and I knew his dad was a good guy so I wouldn't of cared I would just make sure I would get some people to keep a close eye on his dad so he doesn't do something like that again. Well, that is already what I was doing, I don't want Jaemin to go another five years without his dad.

I spoke to Jaemin's mum about how he was doing but he wasn't even home he was staying at Renjun's, was this really that big of a deal to Jaemin that he hasn't gone home. But what makes thus worse is that I don't think my dad nor his mum are trying to get him back. Like I don't know how he is doing or if he is eating and drinking or sleeping or is happy. I can't phone him since he blocked me on everything, I just want him.

I walked to my locker and I saw Renjun was standing right in front of it. This boy may seem innocent but he could kill you and I really wasn't in the mood to be arguing with Renjun at the moment, it doesn't help I already feel this bad.

"Jeno, I need to talk to you now. Whatever you think you need to do this is more important and if you don't come with me and talk to me, you won't get any answers you want."
Answers? Is this about Jaemin? Of course this was about Jaemin, it wouldn't be about anything else.
"Yeah, okay."

Renjun walked with me to the place where him and Jaemin hangs out. It was like the more the came here 're more beautiful it got, maybe I felt like it did because I seem to love Jaemin more as the days went by.

"Do you still love Jaemin?"
Was he an idiot or something.
"Yes, of cousre I do, why?"
Renjun smiled at me and nodded his head at me. Renjun sat down at the bench and I sat down too. I just want to hear good news.
"Jaemin is going fine, it is just he found out a lot all on the same day and I don't think he was able to process it."
I nodded at him again.
"But why didn't he tell me about his dad?"
"Jeno don't ask this question when we both know you know the answer, he did it so you wouldn't worry about him and to make sure you could focus on being there for your dad."
I had a feeling that it was because of that but by that being the reason it made me happy. It made me smile at his stupid reason for not telling me but I smiled because it showed he cared for me.

"You know Jeno, when Jaemin's dad first got arrested I saw this different side to him that I didn't ever want to see again. The day he found out he was smashing and breaking everything, he was screaming and shouting and we both know Jaemin is not that type of person. It was scary to see and the worse thing was that he scared his mother so much that he made her cry and he had to stay away from home for while to calm down because everytime he saw something of his dad's he would have another freak out. He was broken, for months he would have these little periods were he would freak out again so his mum toke him to counciling but he finally got better after a year maybe pushing two, he really was in a dark space. He couldn't sleep because every time he did he would have a dream that his dad was back but when he woke up and that wasn't the reality he would have a panic attack, he got really ill and he was really scared. Even now he is really scared but when he started to talk to you and when he got with you he didn't really feel scared anymore, he felt like he didn't have to worry about so much stuff and could finally be free so please don't give up on him."

I didn't know that it was this hard on Jaemin and maybe that explained why he had an outbrust a couple of days ago because he didn't know what to do. He went through so much after his dad left and that when he found out about my dad and his mum it made him worry again. Maybe he is scared that his mum is going to leave him next. But that wouldn't happen, I need him to know that. And I want him to know that I will be by his side until the day I die because I want to be with him forever, no matter what.

"Why didn't Jaemin ever tell me this? If he told me I would of been able to be there for him when his dad came out and I would of stopped him from running away from me but I let him go because I didn't think much of it, I just thought he was angry and that he would of got over it soon but it is so much more then what I thought."
Renjun hugged me and reassured me.
"Listen, no one likes to talk about the dark times they went though but have you ever thought that when Jaemin is with you he doesn't feel any of those emotions any more, he feels happy and loved and like there is good things out there. You made him forget all about those bad times because he showed him all those good things. And don't even stop with that."
Why was I crying so much? I knew why I was it was because I loved Jaemin so much that I could marry him tomorrow and runaway with him and spend the rest of my life with him.

I'm going to ask him to marry me!

"Renjun please tell me that Jaemin still loves me and misses me."
Renjun smirked at me.
"Loves you? I think love is still not enough to explain how he feels towards you. Like I have had to deal with him most of the time crying about how he was stupid to break up with you and he felt like he should of just run away with you and got married instead so no matter what happened you two will always be together. I also came here because Jaemin wanted me to give you this but me telling you this about Jaemin was my choice he doesn't know I told you but he will when I next see him. Trust me Jaemin still loves you."

Renjun handed me a piece a paper that said:
Meet me at 10pm tonight at the park by my house
I'm not going to let you go until the day I leave this planet
I love you
Jaemin x

This was my chance to marry him.

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