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Jaemin's POV-

Did this really have to happen to me? Why on earth did this bloody teacher decide putting me next to Jeno will some what be helpful, well he was wrong. Jeno doesn't even care about anything and he doesn't even bother to try with anything. while I work twice as hard as him and I'm getting averge grades. Why is the school system so unfair? His family have to money to buy private tutors and I'm pretty sure even if he got bad grades he will be just as successful as his parents. I hate him so much.

The thing I did not understand was when Haechan screamed out that Jeno was making a move on me. And even if Jeno was, I would never get with him. The only good thing about him is he is very handsome but I hate his personality to the point that I don't see his good looks. Plus why does everyone love to tell me that Jeno likes me? Are they trying to piss me off? Even teachers have asked me if me and Jeno are together and I find it really funny! People actually think I would go out with him!

But luckily it was only one lesson that I sit next to him but it was the one lesson I have like everyday, yay,maths!

"Wow Jaemin you seem so impressed that you are sitting next to the one and only Jeno Lee! How do you feel?"
I do love Renjun but I want to kill him right now. I see he is trying to make a joke out of it but it really isn't funny.
"Renjun, do you want to go back to China? Becuase I will happily take you there and you can bring Jeno with you too. Since you both are annoying."
And all I got from Renjun was a laugh, great! Why is my life some big joke? I have been trying my whole life to avoid Jeno and now my luck has ran out.

"Look Jaemin, it is not as bad as you think it is? It could be worse, you could be with Haechan too."
Yeah, it could be worse but it is not so I'm going to act like this is the wosre thing ever to happen on this planet.
"No, it could not be worser."
My whole world was getting destroyed. I have spent most of my school life away from trouble, keeping myself to myself, not talking to people who are shady. I just have to act like Jeno isn't there.

I am really hoping that no other teacher is having new seating plans because I swear if there is I will die. But what makes no sense to me is that all of my teachers put me next to Renjun so he can help me because he knows my situation and no one else does but by that fucking teacher doing that, I have no one to help me! I guess I'm going to have to say good-bye to my grades! Good-bye to being successful! This is just going to make everything harder for me.

"Well come on Jaemin, we have maths now! Don't you want to see Jeno? I know how much you love him."
How much I love him my arse.
"Yay! Let's go have fun!"
He just shock his head at my sarcasm.
"When some people are put in a bad situation, they try to make the most out of it. Why don't you do that?"
Why is little Renjun asking a question where he is just going to get a sarcastic comment. But I can't be asked to speak right now. I am just going to try and focus on my work. And I need to make sure I know what I need to do. If I don't have Renjun's help I'm going to have to work even more harder than everyone else. Why?

I sat down in my seat and five seconds after Jeno sat down. Maybe I should try to give him a chance, it won't hurt right? Nah, it will hurt. Yeah, I will just leave him alone.

"Erm, Jaemin do you need any help?"
Erm, why was he talking to me? And why is he talking to me again? I wish i had the guts to say something to him and actually let him know that I don't want to hear his voice but Jeno would beat the living daylights out of me and I want to stay alive.
"No it is fine and if I need any help I will ask Renjun"
I looked at Jeno and he seemed a bit unsure with my answer but at least I won't be bothering him anytime soon.

"Well if you do need anything from me, you can ask. I won't say no to you."
He won't say no? This was really funny! He normally tells everyone that he doesn't seem to care. So why is he saying something different to me? Probably becuase he feels lonely at the back. I like it at the back expect from one tiny little thing. JENO.
"Ok, thank you."
I smiled at Jeno and started my work. I don't need anything bothering me now. I really need to work so God dam hard now before it is too late.

"Also Jaemin- oh wait, never mind"
I didn't bother to turn my head to Jeno because I need to try really hard and Jeno isn't at the top of my list of things to care about. So all my attention is in school. But I just wanted to know what he was going to say and the worse part is he was just about to tell me as well. But he was probably going to say something like 'let's work together' and that wouldn't be a good idea.

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