who is she?

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Jaemin's P.O.V-

It has been a week since I have been in school and strangely enough, I didn't find it weird. I had a few of my teachers ask if I was ok and if I felt better, which was nice. But give until a hours times and everyone will forget I even had time off or until everyone has forgotten me. Well, expect from Jeno and Renjun. I think Jeno might be serious about me.

I was walking about the hallway to my lovely first lesson, maths! Woo! As I was walking I saw jeno talking to some girl. I have seen her around school many times. She was poplar, pretty (Well that was what everyone thought, but she isn't so...), rich, smart and a lot more confident then me. So seeing this did hurt. What was they even talking about? And why was she smiling at him? She just had to have a perfect smile. Can I kill her? By her talking to Jeno is pretty much her asking to die, sorry but it is true. What if Jeno likes her? Well, he probably doesn't any way, since he told me he loved me. I was just overreacting, yeah I was, right? Is he using me? Yeah he probably was just so he can force me to marry him. Well he did give me a ring.

I was still standing there and the longer I stood there the more upset and angry I got. I don't know why I was even standing here for. The longer I stood here for the more thoughts I was getting, the more angry I was getting and the more jealous I was getting over that bitch. Can't she just leave him already? How am I going to get Jeno away from her? I did say he loved me and we haven't kissed yet so maybe that might work.

I started to walk up to Jeno and that...girl. At first my steps were little and slow but the closer I got the more sure I was about doing this and the more pumped I was to shut her up and maybe get Jeno stop talking to he ever again. Well I know this will make Jeno stop talking, for a little while. He might be speechless.

Jeno turned around to see me right behind me and he smiled at me. I loved his smile. But it still didn't stop me from being angry at that girl and him from talking to her.
"Hi Jaemin-"
I didn't allow him to finish this sentence and I'm pretty sure I didn't even hear what he said correctly but oh well that wasn't important right now and I don't think it was important what he was going to say. I grabbed his face and pulled it towards mine, I have never kissed anyway before so I didn't know what to do so I just let our lips touch. It was for a few seconds but to me it didn't matter how long it was for because this meant a lot to me. And it always will.

I let go of Jeno's face and held his hand. I didn't look to see Jeno's expression but instead I turned to the girl and said,
"Well I'm going to take my Jeno now, so I guess you can talk to us at lunch if you can find us. But if it isn't important then don't worry about bothering us. Bye, have a nice day!"
That was easier then what I thought, I didn't even think I would ever do something like this but guess I did. Holla at me! I walked away while holding Jeno's hand and toke him to the place me and Renjun hang out   best part about it, no one went there so we could talk about what happened.

We finally got the place and I turned around to see Jeno's expression and I saw him a flushed face and a cute little smile on his face. Well, let's be honest, we was going to end up kissing some time soon. So instead of it happening in the near future it already happened. But more importantly who was that bloody girl?
"So, Jeno, who is that girl?"

Jeno's smile went and he stood there confused.
"What the girl I was talking to?"
Nah, the girl that lives in Canada,  for a smart guy he is a right idiot. I just nodded at him.
"Oohhhh, her, well I don't even know who she is myself."
"Stop lying!"
Jeno looked at me shocked, maybe it was because I don't really act like this but oh well, this was his fault. He shouldn't  be talking to her.

Jeno grabbed my both of my hands and held them tightly. He looked at our hands and then back up to me. I was looking into his eyes and damn those eyes are just too beautiful. It is weird to think I used to hate him but now, it is the complete opposite.
"Jaemin, trust me, I don't know who she is. She just randomly came up to me and started to talk to me about her grades and she wanted some help-"
"Ha! I don't bloody think so! Over my dead body are you even going to walk past her EVER AGAIN! You understand?"
Jeno just laughed a little at me and smiled at me.
"Well, Jaemin if you let me finish I was going to say I told her I can't because I'm busy spending my free time helping out or going out with my boyfriend-"

Wait! What? Boyfriend? I was so confused because he never asked me to be his boyfriend,  rude. But at the same time I was glad he told that girl we was together and I may of secretly been happy that he said I was his boyfriend. I just want him to ask me to be his boyfriend now! I kinda sound like a little physco, he must of used some magic on me so I would fall in love with him. Because no way anyone acts like this when they like someone. I stood there staring at Jeno, frozen and I didn't know what to say because all I could hear was 'my boyfriend', he was on about me right? If course he was, who else would he be on about?

"-Also that girl seemed to give me weird vibes. Jaemin are you okay? You are just staring at me, and you are sorta  scaring me now."
I couldn't hear a word of what Jeno was saying, still. It was like everything  stopped or like I left my body and all I could say was-
"Am I your boyfriend?"

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