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Jeno's P.O.V-

The only reason I was asking Jaemin about my dad was because I today I found out that my parents are getting a divorce and I was wondering what it was like for him but I didn't really get the answers I wanted, maybe that was because I wasn't really being specific with what I wanted answer too. But at the same time I shouldn't really be the complaing about my situation since Jaemin has had it so much worse but even though he has he still has been hugging me and kissing me when I need it. WHY IS HE SO PERFECT? IT IS JUST NOT FAIR!

I wanted to tell Jaemin but I just didn't know how to say it. Should I just say it and get it off of my chest and then let the rest happen? That was the only idea I had so I might as well, it won't kill me.

At the moment Jaemin was in the shower so my plan was to just say it to him once he come back into his room. So I just say there.

It was around 5 minutes later until I saw Jaemin walk in, with wet hair and wearing a pair of joggers. He did look good but this is not what I needed to do right now, I need to tell Jaemin what was going on.

"Jaemin, my mum and dad are getting a divorce."
He had a smile on his face but that went. He just ran to me and gave me a hug. I felt like I was going to cry but at the same time I cried too much, so there was nothing left.
"It's ok, I'm  here for you. If you want to tell me more or just want to talk about it, I will listen."
"I want to tell you everything you, so please just listen to me."
He nodded at me.

"My mum has cheated on my dad."
I just blurted it out and I guess after this I would just answer any questions Jaemin had because I have never done something like this, I never told anyone how I felt or my problems, I just kept it all to myself. Even though I'm good friends with a few people, none of us told any way about our problems, I didn't feel like I needed to until Jaemin.

Jaemin didn't know what to say, he just looked at me for a while until he finally had something to say.
"How is your dad? He must be heartbroken."
He was heartbroken and to make it worse he walked into his house, the house he brought and saw them two at it.
"I never saw my dad cry at all, you know that?"
He shook his head at me and held both of my hands.

"No I didn't, so I'm guessing it was hard for you to see that then."
"Yeah, yeah it was but I just don't understand why my mum would do something like that."
My mum at that moment in time meant nothing to me and I was planning for that to happen for the rest of her life. How could she betry some one like that? Escapially the man she married but soon they won't be married for long. Maybe my dad could find a nice lady, a women who will treat him right and be a proper wife.
"I just hate my mum, it all makes sense. She never bothered with me and she was always away, probably doing nothing, never asked how I was or asked how my dad was doing. She was only with him for the money and I hope that my dad takes away everything she owns once they get that divorce. I can't stand that women!"

"Jeno, if I was you I would be just as mad or if not madder at her and I don't understand why she would do something to you and your dad. But honestly, just be there for your dad"
Well he didn't say anything about my mum so guess I can be done with that bitch! And Jaemin didn't seem to care about my mum, so he can't be mad at me for making my mum dead to me.

"I just really want my dad to hurry up and get that divorce."
Jaemin looked at me a bit confuesd but I wasn't lying when I said that, my dad deserve so much better, way better. Maybe he could get with a teacher or someone who owns their own company or a doctor. What ever job they do it must be better then my mum with all she done was spend money on random pointless things she didn't even need. My dad needs a smart girl.
"Really? Why?"
"Jaemin baby, my dad needs to find someone so much better for him. This is finally my dad's chance to find someone who works hard, who is  pretty, who is smart and knows how to treat him right. He doesn't deserve to get treated like some carpet or as some mug."
Jaemin kissed my forehead and told me,
"You know what, you are right. Your dad does. Maybe we could set him up, oh my god! That would be so fun!"

It was cute hearing him talk about how we wanted to help me find my dad someone but the only women I really thought my dad would be perfect with was Jaemin's mum. It makes sense. She is lovely and sweet and I know how hard she works, like hello, she has three jobs. She is independent, so I know she won't just use my dad and she knows a thing or two.

"What about your mum and my dad?"
Jaemin looked at me shocked as if I was flying or as if I was a ghost.
"Come on Jaemin, don't you think it would be a great idea for them too?"
I didn't take long for Jaemin to reply.
"No! No! No! And don't even think about trying to set them up. I don't think you realise that if they get together, we will no longer be together, right?"
Where is he pulling out all this crap. If they got together it would not change anything between us, plus I'm pretty sure they both know about me and Jaemin any way so I don't think they would stop us from being together. He is just over thinking things that won't happen.
"That won't happen between us though, we will still be the same. I  want to know my dad is with a good women and I really think that, that women just so happens to be your mum. I'm just saying."

He rolled his eyes at me.
"I don't care what you are saying, I just don't think it will work."
Why can't he see the benefits of it?
"Look, if they get together, we would most likey live together so we will see each other a lot more plus don't you want your mum to be with a guy that can help her out?"
I could tell I was slightly persuading him but I wasn't quite there yet.
"Jeno, whatever. Let me think about it."

And that was when I knew my life was going to get much better.

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