you really think that?

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Jaemin's POV-

I walked into school on Monday and throughout the whole weekend I felt bad for storming out of Jeno's house but I didn't want Jeno to know one of the places my mum works out because it is at his dad's company. Like the only person who knew was Renjun because he has been my friend though everything. But Jeno, that is his dad's company, that would just give him a reason to make things harder for my mum and she doesn't need that. I'm not embrassed by my mum's work, I just want to make sure she isn't given a hard time because of who her child is. I don't have many friends, I only have Renjun.

I didn't want to go to the  place where me and Renjun normally hang out because knowing Jeno, that will be where he will stay the whole day. So we went to the next best thing, Renjun's dad's office. Best part about being Best friends with the head teachers son you can just walk in whenever you like. Well not whenever but like I think you get it.

Renjun's dad left his office to go to some meeting so me and him where left alone.
"Jaemin, why don't you just talk to Jeno?"
I didn't want to be thinking about Jeno anymore than what I am!
"Jeno could kill me!"
Like him, Haechan and if they got his older brother Taeyong and his boyfriend Ten on me? I would die! Omg and don't get me started on Taeyong's bestfriend Yuta! Yep Yuta would kill me with just one look. Renjun rolled his eyes at me, gosh, he is really sassy.
"He won't though! Stop being stupid."

I'm not being stupid I'm being realistic! I'm telling the truth! I don't want to die! I got dreams I want to achieve.

"Renjun, I'm finding that hard to believe that he won't! I have seen him been in fight before! He pretty much kills them!"
Renjun just shock his head at me and laughed a little.
"But trust me, Jeno won't beat you up, literally he has been messaging me throughout the whole weekend asking how you are and he feels bad. Gosh, stop being so stubborn."

That is lies! I know what Jeno was really trying to do, he was going to act all nice to my bestfriend, figure out where I am and then bam, I'm dead. And he has all the money he needs to get away with my murder. So that is fun! I wish I didn't even bother going to school and just stayed home but then the school would of called my mum and I don't want to cause her any trouble.

"Jaemin are you just going to sit here all day? Jeno is in all of your lessons, you can't hide from him forever. Plus he will soon figure out that your mum works as a cleaner at his dad's company. And what are you going to do once he finds out?"
Why does he have to bring my my into this?
"He won't find out my mum works their and the only way he will, will be by your mouth!"
Gosh, he probably could hear me and Renjun talking about this now.

Renjun got up from his seat and stood in front of me.
"He won't find out from me but one day he will and I don't know when that day will come and you never know you might be the one to tell him."
Me tell him? I don't think so! I'm still so confused, like I used to hate him and then I felt like I have fallen in love with him but now I feel like I'm going to die! I don't want to die! I can't die!
"I won't tell him anything!"

"Can I ask you something?"
I don't know where he was going with this but okay, I nodded my head at him.
"How did Jeno find out you was dyslexic?"
I didn't actually know the answer to that and what does this have to do with me storming out Jeno' s house and where my mum works at? It doesn't.
"Well, Jaemin he found out one way or another just like we will find out your mum works at his dad's company. It might be tomorrow or years from now. I just think it would be better if you tried to talk to him about it first. It will just save you a lot of trouble and drama."

Is he being serious! He doesn't understand any of this! Just like everyone else! He has both his mum and dad who work good jobs and get good money. My mum has three and is never home because she wants to get enough money so we can survive! I don't have my dad! I don't even know what happened with him! And then he doesn't realise if everyone found out where my mum worked out people would be hard on her and she is already stressed out already, I don't want to add to that. Plus I don't know what Jeno' s family would do to my mum! And what would happen to me at school, everyone will know that I'm struggling and I don't want people getting in my business.

I couldn't take being in the same room as Renjun or just being at school. I just wanted to go home. I will just email my teachers to send me work so I can do it at home. I grabbed my bag and I just walked out of the room and walk out of the school.

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