oh this is why?

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Jeno's P.O.V-

I haven't seen Jaemin all week and I have tried to message him but I didn't  get any reply. I just don't understand what I have done or what was wrong with him. All I did was ask him where his mum worked at, did it really bother him that much? I just don't understand why he got upset about it though. He should be proud of his mum doing so much for him and making sure he has everything he needs. Alright she is a cleaner but that doesn't make her any less of a person. But yet again this is coming from me, both of my parents have all the money people could only dream of.

I just want to help Jaemin and show him that I don't care what his mum does because I'm still going to be there for him. Fuck it! It still won't change how I feel about him because damn that boy could be a serial killer and my arse would still love him and still think he is so God damn perfect! Man, boys, they are so confusing.

I was just sitting in my dad's office going through paper work just so I get idea of what it would be like one day since this would be my kingdom. But also my dad wouldn't just hand me over his company, I need to show him that I'm going to work hard and keep this place running. Which I will! With my little Jaemin, if he stops being so stupid and silly.

Then I get the fright of my life when one of the cleaners walk into my dad's office, like I know that is what the cleaner do but like that still didn't stop me from jumping out of my skin.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
She had a very sweet voice which match her innocent looked. She had very soft features too which made her look youthful but at the same time you could tell she was tired and wore out. Which got me thinking about Jaemin and how he said he is worried about his mum. It is just sad for me to think about really, that his mum is working hard while his dad is in prison. I just want to protect him.

"Excuse me Mrs..."
The cleaner turned around to face me with a smile on her face.
"Well I was married and when I was I was Mrs Na but know I'm miss Kim. And what is wrong sweetie?"
Oh, her married name is the same as Jaemin's last name. I wonder if she knows who Jaemin is. Would it be rude to ask her?
"Do you know anyone called Na Jaemin? Because there is this one guy in my class that has the same last name to the one you had when you were married?"
She seemed a bit hesitate to tell me anything but I just smiled at her.
"Don't worry I'm good friends with him, well I like to think so but lately I have been worried about him and I just want to know what is wrong."

She just nodded at me and she didn't really ask the question I wanted her to answer but she was just worried about him.
"What do you mean you are worried about him? What has he done something bad at school? Is he getting bullied?"
I could really tell that his mum cared about his well-being a lot and how she really did love him.
"No, don't worry he isn't getting bullied, I wouldn't let that happen. Plus if it did I would pay jumpmen to kill them. I'm not joking. I really do care about him. And I don't want to get him in trouble but he hasn't been in school for a while. And I have tried to message him but I have got no reply. Look..."
I pulled out my phone and showed her all the messages I sent her son. But me being forgetful I forgot that Jaemin's name on my contacts was 'my life Jaemin' well now his mum knows I like her son.

She smiled at my phone and I had a feeling it was over his name set on me phone. But if anything she would be happy because I'm going to look after her son.
"You must really care about my son then."
Well, it was a bit too late for her to tell me that Jaemin was her son but atleast I know for sure now. Also I can make her love me before me and Jaemin even get together. This is good!
"Yeah, I care about him a lot. But I just want to know if he is doing fine or just talk to him."

I think I realised why Jaemin run out of my house. But his mum working as a cleaner at my dad's company doesn't matter to me and it doesn't change anything. All it does is that it shows me how hard working his mum is. I really do respect her. Plus she gave birth to my future wife, so it is all good.

"What about this if you can later tonight you can come around to my house and talk to Jaemin. Also you better look after my little boy."
All I could do was smile. She is allowing me to see Jaemin later tonight, I need to dress up well, get him presents. This is going to have to be good and it will be good. Can I talk about how she told me I have to look after her little boy?! She is handing him over to me, that is it! Can I marry him now? But she does know Jaemin is mine but since she is his mother, I can let it slide.
"Don't worry I will look after him. I will give him the whole world and more."

Jaemin's mum hugged me all of a sudden and I felt way too happy because this means she trusts me with her son! And she should. I just Jaemin's mum back instantly. I can't let her down and I can't let Jaemin down either.

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