Can you come over?

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Jeno's P.O.V-

I stood there looking at my dad until he came over to me and hugged me tightly.
"I'm sorry son, I didn't want you to see any of that."
Why was he saying sorry when it was my mum's fault.
"Dad it is not your fault, don't ever say sorry to me."
My dad let go of me and nodded at me. It kills me to see him like that but I can't do anything about it. I'm just going to have to see him like this until one day it stops.

"Erm Jeno I was wondering while I clean up this mess, you go ring Jaemin and ask him if he wants to stay the night since I'm going to Busan tonight to go see my parents and I won't be back until later tomomorw."
I'm guessing he is going to be breaking the news to them about how my mother can't stay loyal. And I guessing he doesn't want me to see that neither, even in a time like this, he is still making sure that I'm okay.
"Yeah, I will call him now."
"Erm Jeno before you do, I want to tell you this, I know about you two and I'm happy for you. You know his mum is a very nice lady and when she told me about you two, I couldn't be happier. Maybe we should take them out for dinner one night when I'm back."

I couldn't be happier to hear my dad say that, even though he is heartbroken he is still glad that I'm happy and I can't wait for my dad to meet Jaemin. But the fact that he has already spoken to Jaemin's mum kinda makes me happy, she is a good women and I know she won't break my dad's heart. She is what my dad needs.
"Yeah I would like that too, I will tell Jaemin about that tonight."

I went into my room and phoned Jaemin and he answered the phone before you could even hear it ringing.
"Jeno, are you okay? Do you need to stay at my place again? Are you crying? Do you need me to come over because I can."
He is cute.
"Jaemin baby, calm down. I'm fine. My dad is going away for the night and I was wondering if you wanted to stay the night at my place?"
It was like Jaemin didn't even need to think about it since he automatically screamed down the phone a,
"Yes! Let me get my stuff and I will be there."
Damn, this boy.
"Also I'm bring chocolate and ice cream too!"
What is the boy on? I do love him.

It was about an hour later and Jaemin was here. He ran to me and hugged me tightly.
"I got Ice cream and chocolate, it helps with things like this."
"Jaemin, I'm feeling better, thank you but I want to talk to you about something else though. I don't think you will like it."
Of cousre he was going to be confused by what I said but I just wanted him to know that he might not like this.
"My dad wants to, at some point, go out for a meal one day with me, you and your mum."
It didn't take him long to reply to it.
"I thought about this, the whole my mum with your dad, the only way I will accept it will be if we don't get involved and let them figure it out because if you get your self stuck in the middle, it will only make things worse. And I don't really want to be talking about my mother dating anyone so we will stop here and you better not mention it once the whole time I'm staying here."

I got him right where I needed him to be. I picked him up and swung him around.
"Finally you agree with me."
Okay, maybe I should of left it at what he said because he just smack me at the back of my head. I was just too happy with what he said.
"Put me down and I didn't say I agree with it, I said I will only-"
I didn't really want to waste 5 years listening to Jaemin to how he is right when I could just kiss him. So guess what I did? I kissed him. I let my lips be against his lips and I feel like the more I kiss him, the more I want to or the more I become addicted to him. I guess this was a good thing.

"But just for you Jeno I will talk to my mum about it but you mention it again, my mum won't be coming."
I just nodded at him and quickly changed subjects before he changes his mind.

"So erm give me your things so I can put them in my room for you."
He smiled at me lightly.
"Why? I'm capable of doing it myself but thank you for asking."
He messed up my hair a bit and walked past me and went to my room.

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