can we talk?

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Jeno's P.O.V-

I knock on Jaemin's door, waiting outside to be let in. And I can already see a huge difference between our lifestyles but I'm not going to lie, outside the house looked cute and small. It was the compete opposite of my house, maybe I understand why Jaemin felt ashamed by this. I just want him to understand that I don't care though.

I quickly had to make sure my clothes looked good and I had my bag full of the things I brought him. I don't know whether to be scared or excited.

Jaemin's mum opened the door and let me in.
"He is in his room so just in that room there"
She pointed to a door at the end of the hallway.
"Thank you."
I smiled at her and toke a breath.

I was just about to knock on his door but his mum stopped me.
"Just walk in. Sometimes he has earphones in so he can't hear."
Guess I'm going to just walk in then. Easy, I can do that.

I walked into Jaemin's room and I didn't  expect to see Jaemin in his boxers just laying there on his bed. But his mum wasn't lying about him having earphones in. He seemed to glued to his phone to even notice that I walked in. Well I guess that means I can look at him A bit longer. But honstley I was surprised by how great his body was. Like DAMN! MARRY ME! I'm not even going to ask him, imma force him to.

"Omg! Jeno why are you here?! How did you know I lived here?! Ahhh!"
Jaemin quickly went under his covers to hide himself, only leaving his head on show. All I could do was laugh at Jaemins reaction to seeing me though. You should of seen his face. It was like he was scared, angry and shocked at the same time. Or maybe he just didn't want to see me. Like he avoided coming to school because he didn't want to see me. Ahhhh. But at least I think I know why though. I hope I know why.

I sat down on Jaemin's bed next to him looking like a burrito.
"Jeno, how did you find out where I lived?"
This time by the tone of his voice I could tell he was pissed at me. I just hope after today, he won't seem that  angry and maybe we won't ignore me. But I needed to tell him that I think I know why he was mad at me before I answer his question or otherwise this might not work out right. Plus he might just kick me out his house.

"Look Jaemin, I'm here because I think I know why you were mad at me and I want to sort it out-"
"You don't though, you don't understand."
Jaemin rolled over so his back was facing me. He must really be upset by this all. Getting to know Jaemin was so different to what I thought but if anything it has made me want to work harder to get him and my love for him is still growing. Like I know I know I shouldn't really be saying this but him being upset and moody is cute though. But seeing him with a smile is the best thing ever. Or even hearing his laugh for a matter of fact.

"Well just listen to me instead...Look I think I know why you stormed out of my house and been avoiding me. Look I understand why you was upset by it and you probably thought since that my family owns a company and that is same company that your mum cleans for, you probably thought you was worthless and you should be ashamed by it. And knowing you, you would of been thinking about every single bad situation that could of happened to you or most importantly your mum. But I don't care what job your mum does because that doesn't change the way I see you, if anything it shows me how great of a women your mum is. Trust me I met her today and she really does care about you and she thinks the world of you."

Jaemin just layed there and he was just silent. Why wasn't he speaking to me? Boys.

"Why do care if I stormed out of your house? Or that I have been avoiding you? You have all the friends you need, you don't need me."
I cared about him because of one thing, that I love him. That I want to be with him and that I want to spend all my life looking after him. I know I'm just a teen but that doesn't mean what I'm feeling mean anything less. But only because I have friends that doesn't mean I don't need him because I do need him, he just doesn't know that yet.

"Well Jaemin I care about you more and I will do anything for you. Yeah they may be my friends but we both know why I care about you so much, you just dont want to believe it.You just need to believe me that I mean this and my feelings for you are true. I need you more than my friends and I always will. And seeing you storm off really upsetted me and I wanted to know what I did wrong and I wanted to be here for you. I just wanted you to know that I don't care about what job your mum does or how poor you are because it won't change anything. Just tell me what you are worried about and I will sort it out, okay?"

Jaemin was quiet for a while and he didn't moved either.
"Can you get me one of my shirts from my wardrobe?"
I didn't answer I just got him one, I think he was ready to talk to me. I handed Jaemin his shirt and he put it on so I wouldn't be able to see his bare chest. Jaemin sat up making sure he as facing me. I looked at his beautiful face and I couldn't read him. I just couldn't figure out what is going on in his head.

"Okay, yes, I did run out of your house because my mum did work for your dad. And yes, I wasn't in school either due to that. But I don't think you realise that to me it was so much more than how different our lives were and I just couldn't understand why you seemed to care about me so much. Like I don't have anywhere near the amount of money that your family has. And maybe I thought you didn't need to be with a guy like me."
But I need to be with him and that won't change, ever!
"But I Jaemin I do need you and I have already told you, that I don't care about your social class. And if anything most people only care about me because of the money I have and people always try to get close to me but with you, you are different. You never cared about my money, you never asked about it and you saw me without the money. And for some strange reason you seem threaten by my money but I promise you this, nothing bad will happen to you or your mum. And to me you mean so much more than the money."

I couldn't lie to Jaemin. And I didn't want to lose him because of how scared he was.

"But Jeno, you don't see it from how I see it. What if everyone found out about what job my mum does? what if I get bullied because of it? What if you told everyone that my mum worked for you and then everyone made my mum's job harder for her? Because all the people you hang out with, their parents work with your dad and are high up in his company. So what if they found out and told their parents and then my mum was getting a hard time because I'm not popular or that I'm not smart either. I just don't want things to get harder for her."
I always told by my mum 'seeing someone you love cry, is one of the hardest things you could ever see' and it was hard. And knowing that I was some what behind it made it so much more harder. I grabbed Jaemin and I layed down next to him cuddling him.

"Trust me, I won't tell anyone. And I promise you this now even if people were to find out, I would make sure no one will make anything harder for both you and your mum. It would kill me to see anyone do that to you. Okay? Plus what I have seen from being at my dad's company, everyone seems to love her. And if it helps you everyone at school already knows how much you mean to me and I don't think anyone will dare do anything to you because they know I have the money and power to ruin their life."

I just layed there with Jaemin, playing with his hair and trying to calm him down. It was nice beening this close to Jaemin, this was all I ever wanted.

"I believe you Jeno."
Jaemin hugged me tighter and I felt my cheeks warm up and smile quickly came into my face.
"But what would your parents think beening around me?"
I didn't want to say anything to him but instead I went in my bed and pulled out a little box.
"Jaemin my parents wouldn't care, trust me. They just want me to be happy and my mum always told me this 'find someone who doesn't care about your money and sees you as who you really are' so my mum would love you. And to prove to you how much you mean to me, I brought you this."

I handed him the box and he just seemed so confused by this but I think this will be the one thing to prove to him that I'm not going anywhere. He opened it up to see two rings. One was for me and the other was for him.

"As long as we wear these rings, I won't go anywhere. And I mean this, we will never have to take them off so I will always be here for you."
Jaemin just looked at me and smiled and then he jumped on me and hugged me tightly. I didn't think that this would make him this happy but I'm glad it did. Me and Jaemin put the rings on and this meant forever for us.

"Jeno, can you stay here tonight? I don't want you to go home."
I nodded at him and I went back to laying down with him. 

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