Marry me?

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Jaemin's P.O.V-

I was at the park where I told Jeno to meet me and I was so excited to see him. Well, I was still scared. I don't know how Jeno feels right now but all I know is that I won't be stupid, ever again. I won't push him away nor make things hard for him just because of our parents. I'm going to step up. I'm going to be the one to fight for Jeno this time.

I was walking back and forth in the same directions, trying to calm myself down but the longer I was walking the more worried I was getting, so i decided to sit down on a bench instead. I unlocked my phone and just before I was going to text Jeno to ask if he was coming, I heard a soft little voice come from the side of me.
I turned to see who it was and standing there was the love of my life. Jeno Lee. I didn't waste no time and grabbed a hold of him. I held him tightly and whispered in his ears,
"I'm sorry."
I had to say those words to first before I said anything else because I really wanted him to know that I didn't mean to put him all through that. I slowly felt Jeno hug me back.

"It is fine Jaemin."
Jeno didn't seem like him self, I must of really hurt him. His voice was so soft and so quiet. He didn't seem that confident nor as strong as he normally was. I really did mess up this time, didn't I? I hurt the one person that I loved the most. I need to prove to him that I won't ever do th at again.
"Jeno it really isn't, just tell what I can do to make it up to you. I promise you I won't leave you again, I won't let anything like this get in our way again and I promise you I won't put you through pain like this ever again. I love you Jeno Lee and I will always love you, just please baby, tell me what I can do it show you how much I mean this."

Jeno slowly let me go. He looked down at the ground and looked back at me. He placed his hand on my check and smiled at me.
"I love you too, it just I couldn't get a hold of you and I was scared. I understood you needed space and time to think, it is just we were meant to go through these things together. I know you find it hard to talk about how you feel but I'm your boyfriend, you shouldn't be scared to open up. Just promise me, next time you tell me how you feel and we will get from this together, okay?"
I nodded my head and smiled at him. I kissed Jeno's check. And he still gave me a chance so I know what to do to prove to him my love.

"I know Jeno and I promise you I won't ever do anything like this again. I know when I get scared I push you away it is just I don't know what to do and I have never loved anyone like this before. And I can promise you I won't let anyone or anything get in our way again and if anything is bothering me I will tell you instead of running away."
Jeno held me tightly. I liked it.
"You better tell me straight away if anything is bothering you because you are my boyfriend and we are meant to get though these stuff together. And even if you try to run away from me I will still get you. I know you Jaemin and you do stupid things when you are scared and don't know what to do."
I hugged him back tighter, I really did fall love for Lee Jeno and I'm glad I did, I don't want to lose him ever! Again! God thank you. He really knew what he did when placing him on this planet.

"I will tell you straight away, I promise you. I'm sorry Jeno baby. I won't do anything stupid like this again. Jeno, can we erm go to your place tonight or just anywhere, I want to stay with you tonight, I told my dad."
I heard Jeno laugh lightly at me.
"Of cousre, do you really think I was going to leave you tonight? I'm not letting you leave my side, if I have to I will chain you up."

We was walking back to his place and we just held each other's hands. He wasn't even talking to each other, I guess we just wanted to embrace each other.
"Jaemin, I don't know if this is a good time to mention it but did Renjun tell you that he told me about your dad?"
I could tell he was trying to be careful but he shouldn't, he needed to know.
"Yeah Renjun told me he told you. You do know I actually forgot what I was like when my dad got sent prison because when I was around you, I felt happy and I like all the bad things that ever happened didn't happen. So thank you. I guess seeing my dad again left me confused and then finding out about my mum I just lost it but having you by my side, I don't need to feel like this."
Jeno held my hand tighter.
"I just wish you told me about your dad, so I would of been there for you, seeing your dad again was meant to be a good thing but that got destroyed. I just wish my dad and your mum just waited."
Yeah they should of waited but they didn't but we couldn't  changed that, it happened. We just had to get over it and move on.

"I mean seeing my dad again was good and I just wish I had longer to focus on that but it didn't. So we can't change that, so we are going to move on. Trust me something good will happen later just don't cry from tears of joy."
I looked at Jeno and he was confused but little did he know I was hinting at proposing to him.
"Well Jaemin before you do that I need to ask you a question?"
By the tone of his voice he seemed quiet nervous but at the same time I had a feeling it wasn't really that bad. I nodded my head at Jeno and he toke a deep breath and said to me slowly.

"Will, you erm, marry me?"
Did Jeno just ask me the question that I wanted to ask him? Now I need to think of something to give him now. I just can't believe he asked me this though, I didn't think he would ask me any time soon, so that is why I was going to ask him but he beat me to it. But at the moment of time I grabbed his face and kissed him. I just couldn't believe he actually wanted to marry me. I finally let go of Jeno and told him,
"Yes I will."

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