I'm his?

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Jaemin pov-

I came to the same place I come to every school morning, it was a beautiful place, it was away from all the noise and drama and it was like it's own little place. Like wonderland. Not known of but so wonderful.

As I got there I saw Jeno and Renjun talking. I didn't understand why they were talking to each other but they seemee to be having a good conversation, so I guess it was alright. But then it got me thinking, was something going on between Renjun and Jeno? It makes sense, why else would Jeno be helping me with school work if he wasn't trying to help out Renjun and give him less stress so he can focus on other things. But after Jeno hugged me I thought I was in love so I have to move on quickly because I don't want to hurt Renjun.

They both noticed me and Jeno waved at me and told me to come over. Are they going to tell me that they going out? Are they going to tell me they are married? Ok, that one was way to dramatic. I walked over and sat next to Renjun. I need to keep away from Jeno, so my best friend can be happy.

"So me and Renjun decided that it would be a good idea...."
I knew what was going to be said but Jeno didn't finish his bloody sentence, like do you want me to say it for you mate? Jeno smiled at Renjun and this was when I knew they were together. They didn't need to tell me, it was so clear.
"...that I should be the one to help you revise and study. If that was ok with you?"
Erm is he a idiot or something? He is with my bestfriend, he can't he hanging out with me alone. That is like cheating. I can't do that to Renjun! I can't hurt him! So I knew what I had to say.
"Erm, I don't think it would be a good idea."

They both seemed a little confused at me answer but I don't want to upset anyone.
"Look Renjun, I understand you don't have the time to help me and don't worry about it, I will be fine doing it by myself."
Jeno looked pissed at me and Renjun just hid his face in his hands. Did I do something wrong?
"Look Jeno, I know that you trying to help Renjun out but don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Jeno banged the table and Jesus, I was scared. I'm so confused! What am I doing wrong? I thought Jeno and Renjun were together but he isn't acting like they are right now.

"Jaemin, I want to help you and I have told you this before. Renjun do you mind if you can go somewhere else while I talk to Jaemin please?"
His voice was soft, the complete opposite to his actions. Renjun didn't even need to think of what to do, he is it went. This is only going to go down hill from here.

"Why don't you want me to help you?"
I looked down at my lap and played with my fingers, thus was scary. He could probably pay someone to kill me.
"Erm, I know you are trying to help out Renjun but you don't need to worry about me."
I couldn't look up to see Jeno's face because I was scared of him. He is so good looking but so scary too.
"I'm not doing this to help Renjun I'm doing this for you."

What? Why me? But? I'm confused.

"So you and Renjun aren't going out?"
I looked up to Jeno this time. And he pulled a smirked at me. Jeno came and sat next to me. Oh God, what was going to happen.
"No, nothing is happening between me and him. If I told you that you are perfect why would I go for someone else? If I say you are perfect you are mine. But you got jealous didn't you?"
I wasn't jealous, why would he say that?
"I'm not jealous!"

Jeno just raised his eyebrows at me, gosh I was jealous but I didn't want him to know that. I hated him like a couple of days ago. Gosh, being a teenager sucks, there is too many hormones.
"Well relax Jaemin, you are mine so don't worry."
What? I'm his? We aren't even together. Boys, they are so confusing. But I liked it how he said I'm his. I felt my checks heat up so I quickly covered my face. I don't want him seeing me like this, I don't want anyone seeing me like this. Jeno is killing me.

"So Jaemin is it ok if I help you with school now?"
Well since nothing is happening between him and Renjun then I would happily love it for Jeno to help me. I nodded my head to Jeno's question while still covering my face.
"Well Jaemin how do I know you are being serious and you do want my help?"

How was I meant to answer that? I don't know how to prove it to him. What does he want me to do? Ok, there is going to be a catch. He is going to force me to run around the school naked. I don't want no one to see me naked.

"I know how you can prove it to me that you want me to help you, don't worry it isn't anything bad."
I moved mg hands away from the face and looked at a smiling Jeno. Ok he seems really pleased with himself so I'm fucked. Well goodbye world!
"Do you want to know what it is?"
Well, duh. I nodded my head at him again.

Jeno came closer to me, like really close. I haven't been this close to anyone before. I felt really hot though.
"I want you say one thing, do you think you can do that?"
I didn't even think about what it could possibly be but some how my dumb arse still nodded. Well done Jaemin!
"Ok I want you to say, that you are mine."
I didn't understand why he needed me to say that but I could do that though. At least he didn't make me say something really stupid. Or he could if made me say that in front of everyone, you know what I'm waiting for that day.
"I'm yours."

Jeno flashed me a smile and told me,
"Good that is what I want to hear."

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