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Jeno's POV-

It was a beautiful Monday and things looked really good. I spent the weekend finding out how to help Jaemin and I feel good. I made sure I knew everything he needed help with so he didn't need to go to anyone else and so that I can have all the answers he needed. Plus it actually somehow helped me because I have never revised once in my life before and I didn't think I would ever revise. But look at me now. Omg I just got a brilliant idea I should revise with Jaemin. See I'm smart and I'm getting smarter.

I made sure I came to school early and I made sure I definitely got there before Jaemin so I can tell him my news. I was waiting at the place where Jaemin hangs out in the mornings and it was a cute little place. It was away from all the busyness from the school, it was like a whole another place.

I heard footsteps coming towards me so I quickly looked to see who it was. I hoped it was Jaemin but it was Renjun. I swear Jaemin was always the first one to get here bit I guess today was Jaemin wasn't.

He seemed confused, probably because I was here, like not once have I ever gone to this place. But I wish I did come here before. It was sweet and quite just like Jaemin, maybe that is why he likes this place so much.

"Jeno? What's wrong?"
Ok he was really confused, but soon he won't be.
"Have you seen Jaemin?"
By the look on Renjun' s face he seemed scared for Jaemin. Do people think I'm really that bad? I wouldn't hurt anyone though. He seemed a pretty hesitate to tell me anything but now I know what else I have to do to get Jaemin. I need to make sure Renjun trusts me and that he is on my side because I can Renjun really does care for him.
"No I don't, he is probably running late. Why?"

I sat down on the bench that was there and Renjun sat down too. I just hope Renjun will understand where I am coming from.
"As you probably know, like everyone else, I really do like Jaemin..."
He smiled at me and nodded too. He seemed happy so far, that is good.
"...and I just want to want to help him with school. I know you do help him but I don't want to sound cocky or anything but I get better grades than you, so I can do more..."
This time Renjun's smile went. Is me helping Jaemin a bad thing? I just want to help him, I want him to get the grades he deserves because he deserves the best.

"Jeno, I'm not sure if you understand what it would be like helping Jaemin though. It isn't going to be easy as you are making it out to be."
Really? Not going to be easy? I know what I am doing and I don't need him telling me different.
"I know what I am doing, I know what he needs help with so I will show him"
I don't know what is was but Renjun really didn't look happy and if anything he was mad. Shouldn't he be happy that I want to help him?

"You know he is dyslexic, right? So you should know things are already harder for him so things need to be done differently. He doesnt learn like you do, he has to do a lot more than you, he doesn't give himself a break because he wants to pass. And anyway he is getting the grades he needs ok? They might just be averge but he is proud of that and he has worked hard for that. Plus if you are only doing this to get him to fall in love with you and see you as this great hero, you won't, you will just make things harder for him."

Wait, Renjun just had a go at me and I'm speechless. I don't know what to say back. But what if Renjun is right? What if it does only get harder for him? But I want to help him more than anything.

"Look Jeno, I know you care about about him a lot and I hate that I'm  going to say this but I want to help you with Jaemin."
I'm sorry what? Did I hear that right?
"Wait can you say that again? I just want to make sure you said what you said"
Renjun rolled his eyes to at me, ok this guy is actually alright.
"Erm, no, I'm not a parrot. But do you really think helping Jaemin is the best thing to do? Look I might sound crazy but I am his bestfriend and I don't want him getting hurt."

As much as Renjun was questioning me if this was the right thing to do, I still knew I needed to help him and I will. I have the money and I will help him in every way possible. Even if it didn't need the money I will still help him. But does Renjun really think I would hurt Jaemin? Is that what he really thinks of me?

"Look Renjun, we both know that I have the money to get him all the help he needs and I know Jaemin won't expect it but then again I can ask you what I need to do and help him as much as I can. I just need to help Jaemin, I see how hard he works in every lesson and I want him to see how smart and great he really is. It is heart breaking to see the person I really love think so little of themselves but I see a lot in Jaemin. I just want him to see that too. And I can promise you this now, I won't hurt Jaemin. I have turned down every single person, I haven't even kissed anyone because I have wanted him this whole time, I want him so bad. I want him to be mine. So please I just want him to smile once and be proud of himself, I'm begging you."

Renjun was just smiling at me and I think I saw a tear too.
"You really do love him don't you?"
Oh shit, I think I really do. I just nodded at Renjun, I just want to get through to him. Renjun want through his bag and pull out this folder and gave it to me.
"This pretty much has everything I use to help Jaemin and you better not hurt him or I'm killing you and I will marry Jaemin on your grave. You got it?"
Ok I'm scared of Renjun, he may be small but he is the devil. Don't even think otherwise. I nodded my head and toke the folder. This is this feeling of success.

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