Can you not hear?

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Jeno's P.O.V-

I made sure today that I came straight  home from school just to make sure my dad was doing better and if my Satan of a mum came to mine and my dad's house that she wouldn't be aloud in, since I don't want someone like her near me or my dad.

As soon as I walked though the door I could hear my dad yelling and I already knew I was too late to prevent that bitch from entering the house, I just didn't know what to do. Apart of me wanted to leave them alone so they could say what they wanted to or maybe try to work things out but I don't think that would happen, since knowing what my mum has done. Another part of me wanted to kick my mum out but something in me couldn't do it and I didn't understand why. I hated that women or I was meant to. She destroyed this family and she deserves nothing but hell.

"Don't come into my house and tell me that you having an affair is my fault! You keep saying that I didn't make time for you but I'm the one who owns their own company that they have worked hard for and makes sure that everything runs smoothly, it is not as easy as you think it is. You seem to forget that I have thousands to employees working for me and that I want our son to take over a company that won't do down easily and something he can be proud. I'm the one to make sure Jeno has and everything he needs and that we have everything we need but what do you do? Go on tell me!"
I moved closer to where the screaming was coming though and the look on my dad's face, broke me. He was red from anger, tears falling down his face and I felt like they weren't going to stop anytime soon, he seemed so broken. His eyes were pitch black and it felt like he just had a pupil, my mum broke him.

I looked to see my mum and she just stood there unbothered by what he was saying and I could tell she felt like she was the victim but she wasn't. She has killed my dad and killed this family, there is nothing left and to make this all worse she doesn't seem to care. Why? Why? Why, is she like this? She never loved my dad! She just wanted an easy ride.
"Really? What have I done? Don't use this to make me feel bad about something you caused. Maybe if you cared about me more then this wouldn't happen."
I want to kill her? But I didn't, I couldn't.
"Cared about you? I gave you everything you ever wanted, to new clothes to the newest jewellery because you wanted it. Don't stand here and say I didn't care about you, I always made time for you but every single time you would throw it back into my face and go off with your friends and waste my money, the money I worked hard to get, that you waste on shit that you don't even need! Maybe if you worked you would understand me more but you didn't want to work, you wanted to live off of me and take my money. Our son does more work than you have ever day in your whole life!"

It was hard hearing them two argue like this but I can't expect it to be all sunshine and rainbows.

"And you wonder why I cheated on you! It would not  surprise me if Jeno doesn't want you in his life anymore. You just want money."
It shocked me how neither my mum not dad didn't see me standing there and watching this all happen but I guess they were too heated to notice anything around them. But what hurt me was the fact that my mum told my dad how I don't want him in my life, when I do. My dad worked hard for everything, I remember all the fun times me and my dad had together and how he was always there for me and even though I'm still too young to take over the company my dad is already training me for when the time does come. Why would I want to lose my dad, after everything he has done for me. I can't think of much things my mum has done for me but that is just the way it is.
"I only want money? This is coming from the women who doesn't even work and lives off of the money I earn, you take more of my money then what Jeno and me take. And what makes this funny is the fact that you had an affair with the richest man in Korea, so I only care about money? I think that is all you."

I couldn't take this anymore, I couldn't stand here and watch how broken my dad was and listen to how cruel this women is. The table next to me had a vase on it and I grabbed it without thinking and smashed in again the wall. They both turned to me and they both looked speechless.
"Get out! Get out now! You aren't no mother of mine! You are standing here and blaming dad when we all know that he is one that does everything for this family while you, you do nothing. He is right you only care about money, you never even cared about this family because if you did you wouldn't of done anything of this. And I'm telling you this now the one I don't want in my life is you!"

My mum toke a step towards me but I toke one back.
"Mum, get out! And don't come here again unless you are signing them divorce papers and the sooner the better."
She just stood there looking at me.
"Did you not hear me? Get out!"
And with that my mum grabbed her purse and left.

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