Not this?

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Jeno's pov-

It was Friday and this was the day I was waiting for all week, this was day of the first session. I can't mess up and I need to make sure I can help him. I had everything ready, all I need to do is wait for him to arrive at my house. Oh shit, I'm starting to get nervous. I don't want to mess up. No, I know what I'm doing. Just breath, it will be like every other lesson.

"Jeno! Jaemin is here!"
I heard my butler Lucas shout from down stair. Ok Jeno, take a deep breath and you will be fine. Don't over think it, ok I need to hurry up and go downstairs. I don't want Jaemin waiting any longer.

I walked downstairs to see Jaemin looking around and you could say he was amazed, well this is what happens when your parents have more money than the country does. But I just hope he doesn't feel too overwhelmed. Jaemin noticed me looking at him and he instantly spoke up,
"This place is too much"
Too much? I didn't really understand how it was but I guess I find this stuff normal.
"How so?"
Jaemin looked around the hallway one last time and gave that look to say it was all too much. I guess we really do live too separate lifestyles.
"Ok Jaemin I get it."

We got into my room and I'm guessing this was a bit too much for him, now I'm starting to think we should of done it somewhere else. Maybe his house so he felt more comfortable.

I grabbed Jaemin's hand and toke him to my room. Once we where in my room, Jaemin's head was facing the floor, what was wrong with him? I guess he really didn't care about all this money or fancy stuff.
"Jaemin, you okay?"
He looked up at me and told me sweetly,
"Erm yeah, this is all just weird for me, I feel out of place. Like this is just the complete opposite to my family. Like my house is the size of this room."

He laughed at the end of that but it was like an akwared laugh, not like he found this funny. I guess I don't really understand him that well. I'm guessing he is going through a lot. Jaemin just came and sat next to me and instantly changed conversations but I couldn't help him revise when I know something is wrong.
"Ok, well Jeno what are we going today?"
"Look, I can tell something is wrong and I promise I can keep a sercet. Plus I don't want you being upset this whole time."

Jaemin moved his lips around in a circular motion. And I knew he was doing it because he was upset but he looked so cute. But he finally said something.
"But I don't think you would understand."
I may not understand but I am going to try and help him, no matter what.
"Ok I may not, but I'm here and I will listen and I will do anything to help you. Even if it means I give you all my money."
He instantly replied back and it was very sassy too.
"You aren't giving me any of your money!"

Okay, okay. I guess he really doesn't care about my money then. Even more perfect to be a life partner. My mum would love him, she is always telling me about how I should find someone who wouldn't touch a penny of my money. And looks like I found him.

"But Jaemin but we will be married one day so all of this will be yours too."
He laughed lightly and smiled at me.
"As nice as that sounds, I want my money that I have worked hard for."
Why is he so cute? Why is he so perfect too? I love his smile and I love his laugh. And I love how hard working and passionate he is too.
"Okay, I get it but what is on your mind?"

Jaemin grabbed both of my hands and asked me,
"Can you promise me you won't tell anyone?"
I would do anything for him.
"Yes I can."
Jaemin toke a breath and explained.

"It is just my family is nothing like this. They don't really have money to have nothing like this and we are just able to get every day basic things we need. And I haven't told anyone this but my mum works as a clearer at three places. I rarely see her and when I do it is like she looks more ill each time, more pale and more skinny. Like I don't even know if she is eating but knowing her she probably isn't. All she wants to do is give me all I want from life but each day I'm getting more and more scared that I'm going to get call to say she has died. Like it is only me and my mum, since my dad went to prison. But I don't really want to go into my dad right now."

Wait, his mum works three jobs and his dad is in prison? I really don't understand anything he goes through. I just want to help him.

"Do you mind me asking, where does your mum clean for?"
I knew Jaemin was on the edge of crying but I wanted to help him. I needed to help him. He looked down at his lap and played with his fingers. Why did I have a feeling that it was at my dad's company. But that wouldn't be such a bad thing. I could look out for his mum, make sure she eats so he would have less to sorry about.

I held Jaemin's hands tightly.
"It is fine, Jaemin, I want to help you."
But I didn't think he was ready to talk about it fully.
"Look I didn't come here to talk about my mum, I came here to get help for school since we all can't be as lucky as you. You don't even need to try and you know everything, I try so hard and nothing goes in my head!"

Jaemin let go of my hands and walked out of my house. Maybe he was just full of anger and sadness. Maybe I need to be his friend first, before being his boyfriend. And that was just what I was going to do.

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