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"Do you see him?" Hoseok asks looking around the parking lot.

"No." Jungkook says doing the same.

"He said he was coming today right?" Hoseok asks.

"Yeah." Jungkook says looking down at his phone.

Hoseok anxiously looks around the area until he finally does spot Taehyung.

"Tae!" He shouts getting his attention and waving.

Jungkook looks up and he is stunned.

Taehyung approaches them a bit hesitantly.

"Hey." He says laughing nervously.

"Your hair." Jungkook says looking at it.

"What?" Taehyung asks his hand going to his freshly dyed hair nervously.

"Forget the hair. I need an explanation. And a hell of a good one." Hoseok says.

"Oh." Taehyung says looking down and still self-consciously messing with his hair.

"A whole week of no school and ignoring my messages. And even telling me to go away when I came to check on you." Hoseok runs off everything Taehyung has done.

"I know. I didn't mean to tell you to leave Hobi. I'm~." Taehyung's breath hitches. "I'm going through something right now and I just. I needed to be alone."

"What are you going through that you can't tell me about. You tell me everything Tae." Hoseok says feeling hurt that his best friend didn't trust him.

Taehyung sighs as the all to vivid images come back to his mind.

"I can't do this." Taehyung whispers to himself.

Taehyung has been talking to himself a lot lately.

"What is it Tae? Did something happen with your dad?" Hoseok asks.

"N-No. It's n-not that. It's ju-just." Taehyung closes his eyes trying to form words.

"Hey. You okay?" Jungkook asks reaching out to touch Taehyung's arm.

"Don't touch me!" Taehyung snaps slapping Jungkook's hand away.

Jungkook pulls his hand away quickly holding both hands up.

"What's up with you Tae?" Hoseok asks lowering his voice.

"I really tried Hoseok. I really fucking tried." Taehyung says turning to leave.

"Wait where are you going?" Hoseok asks grabbing Taehyung's wrist.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Taehyung says snatching his arm away and pushing Hoseok so roughly that he bumps into Jungkook.

"You need to calm down Taehyung." Jungkook says. "Talk to us. You can talk to us we're your friends."

Taehyung shakes his head. "I can't."

With that Taehyung turns away and walks towards the exit of the campus.

Before he walks out of the gate Taehyung has a sudden realization.

By leaving he's being a coward.

He's hiding just like he wanted him to.

"Stop being an idiot." Taehyung says to himself turning back towards the campus. "It's school. It's just school. He can't do anything here."

Taehyung fixes his hair again.

He doesn't know what he was thinking dying it such a light brown color.

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