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    "I hope your life treats you well." Mrs. Jeon says handing Taehyung his train ticket.

Taehyung takes the ticket not meeting her eyes.

Taehyung's eye's are swollen and bloodshot from the excessive amount of crying he did the night before and he barely got any sleep.

It was early. Before anyone in the Jeon house was even awake.

    "It's for the best." Mrs. Jeon repeats for the hundredth time.

Taehyung laughs but it's humorless as he looks at the women.

    "I really do love him." Taehyung says looking down at the train ticket.

    "You're young. You'll move on. I promise." Mrs. Jeon says.

Without another word Taehyung puts his bag in the trunk of the taxi cab and climbs in the car.

    "Can you take me to the train station, please." Taehyung says hating how strained his voice comes out.

Last night seemed like it would never end to Taehyung.

He thought the sun would never come up and take the terrible night.

Taehyung tried to make himself realize that this wasn't about him.

It was about Jungkook. And Jungkook's future. Even if it didn't have him in it.

They were going to have to split up sooner or later anyway.

Jungkook was going to school in Busan and Taehyung was going to Seoul.

So it's fine. It's just sooner than they both expected.

Taehyung was glad that Jungkook would have a successful future and hopefully he'd find someone to love him, someone to love.

    "You alright?" The driver asks.

Taehyung breaks away from his thoughts.

    "Hm?" Taehyung hums only now noticing he was crying. "Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry."

Taehyung wipes his eyes but just as fast as he wipes his tear more surface.

All Taehyung wanted was to forget the pain he felt in his chest and the emptiness he felt where his heart should be.

He wished he could have left Jungkook on good terms and not with a broken heart.

Or maybe his heart wasn't broken.

Maybe after a few days he'd be happy again.

Maybe he'd move on when he went to college next school season.

Taehyung's head began to throb with held back tears as he boarded the train to Daegu.

Maybe this is why Taehyung was convinced there was no such thing as love. Because he feared the pain that came along with it.

Maybe he feared the heartbreak.


Jungkook sits at the kitchen table with his parents pushing his food around his plate.

    "I talked to the school and they said that you can start your classes online whenever you are ready to start. But the deadline is next Saturday." Mr. Jeon says preoccupied by some work he was trying to get done.

Jungkook nods slowly not really interested in anything his parents had to say.

    "Jungkook. Are you listening?" Mrs. Jeon asks getting his attention.

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