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Taehyung's doctor doesn't allow him to have visitors for some reason and it really pisses him off.

Jakyung and his dad both thought his mental state wasn't stable enough to see anyone yet.

But his mental state was just fine. Sure he was little exhausted and he felt like he was forgetting something but other than that he was fine.

    "You're not fine Taehyung." His father says. "You wouldn't be here if you were fine."

Taehyung sighs flinching a little when he crosses his arms.

His stitches seemed to be healing probably but they still irritated him.

In the past when Taehyung has self harmed his intentions were never to actually kill himself. That's why he didn't have any clue as to why he would do this.

    "Can I as least see Hoseok?" He asks hoping for yes as the answer.

    "Alright. Hoseok. That's it." His father says leaving the room to get the boy.

Taehyung sits up straighter in the uncomfortable bed waiting for Hoseok.

When his father returns with Hoseok Jakyung and him leave them alone.

    "Hey, Hobi." Taehyung says feeling a bit awkward about the situation they were in.

Hoseok doesn't say anything as he walks over to his side.

    "What's wrong?" Taehyung asks frowning a little.

Hoseok shakes his head as tears fall from his eyes. "I-I was s-so scared T-Tae."

Taehyung's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

    "W-When I found y-you. I-I d-don't. I didn't know what to do. I was s-so scared T-Tae." Hoseok stutters out through his sobs.

Taehyung's heart aches at the sight of Hoseok's tears.

Hoseok found him?

    "Come here Hobi." Taehyung says scooting over on the bed.

Hoseok sits on the edge of the bed and Taehyung pulls him into a hug being careful of his arms.

Hoseok continues to cry as he hugs his best friend. Taehyung meant so much to him and coming so close to losing him just made him realize how much he needed him.

    "It's okay Hobi. I'm fine. Everything's okay." Taehyung says trying to soothe him.

    "Everything's not okay. I should've came sooner. I shouldn't have texted you I should've called." Hoseok cries. "This is all my fault~"

    "Hoseok." Taehyung cuts him off firmly. "None of this is your fault. Don't blame yourself. Don't blame anyone."

    "I wish you would have came to me." Hoseok says sniffling as his sobs calm.

Taehyung frowns. Why didn't he go to Hobi in his time of hopelessness?

    "Hobi?" Taehyung says sitting Hoseok up. "Can I tell you something?"

Hoseok nods wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

     "I know it's gonna sound crazy." Taehyung says reaching over to the side table and grabbing a box of tissues and handing them to Hoseok.

Hoseok nods taking the tissues.

    "I can't. I can't really remember. Anything." Taehyung says looking Hoseok in the eye.

    "What are you talking about?" Hoseok asks.

    "I can't remember why I did this." Taehyung says looking down at his bandaged wrists.

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