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"No way, you have to be kidding me." You said as you held your books in your hand.

School was over and you and your friend was making you guys way home. She was telling what the Jocks did to Tate, a weird kid, and it sick your stomach how people could be so mean.

"There he goes." Your friend said pointing to him.

Tate was sitting under the oak tree that was in the center of the park. He was just staring off into space, maybe thinking about everything that happened.

"I'll catch up with you later." You said crossing the street.

"Y/N what are you doing?!" Your friend yelled.

"Don't worry about it, just go!" You yelled back before walking to the vendor that was parked at the park.

You bought two hotdogs, two sodas, and two churros. You were going to sit and eat with Tate, try to get him to talk to you.

"Hey." You said smiling as you sat in front of him.

Tate simply looked at you for a brief second before turning his head. "I got us something to eat." You said taking everything out the bag.

"I got a hotdog, a soda, and a churro." You said sliding it over to him but he didn't acknowledge it.

"Don't worry I didn't do anything to it, I bought it from the vendor over there and came straight here." You said pointing at the vendor.

Looking at the food for a brief second, Tate turned back to wherever he was staring at. "I know you didn't eat lunch today Tate so just eat." You said taking a bite from your hotdog.

"Why?" Tate said catching you off guard.

"Why what?" You asked.

"Why did you come over here? Why did you buy me food?" He asked turning to you.

"If I'm being totally honest then I felt bad about what they did to you today. I was just going to come over here and ask you were you alright but I remember I didn't see you at lunch so I figured you were hungry- which I know you are, so eat." You said poking the churro at his lips.

"You know you want to, just eat it Tate, it's begging you." You teased still poking it at his lips.

Not taking his eyes off of you, Tate slowly bit a piece of the churro. Something so innocent made you so hot. "How does it taste?" You asked slowly.

Getting up, you watched as Tate grabbed the hotdog and the soda before bending down to your level. "Good, but I don't think it taste as well as you do. Thanks again Y/N." Tate whispered in your ear before walking away, leaving you stunned.

Did Tate Langdon flirt with me?

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